Sunken sailor Whose life was obsolete They're still waiting at the harbor You came in here Sea salt in your eyes "It always feels worst when you've got Nothing to be sad about" Sent-away daughter Who never had a chance He's going to keep her as his own now You came in here Wedding rings around your eyes "There must be something wrong with me I lost my faith, inexplicably" Medieval merchant Who didn't know his rights He's going to carry red-hot iron bars You came in here Heavy weights under your eyes "I'd rather go back home again And I don't know why I keep trying" Former waitress Whose life doesn't seem to end 90 years of living is too much when you're on your own You came in here Fake wrinkles around your eyes "I'd better put an end to this As long as my mind is clear enough" A silver plate and I lose my sense Then I'm back to prove my competence More silver plates and again, my sense You're just guessing so don't say it could be worse You're just guessing so don't say it could be worse You're just guessing so don't say it could be worse You're just guessing so don't say it could be worse