Caution Written by Ryan McGlynn and Michael McWilliams Spin what's said to the impression I am fed, And my word, does it taste delicious Silhouette as it seems is divided by beams And appears around the corner suspicious Of deafening roar from a swung slamming door That reads on signs with vanishing fonts “Employees, for sale, electric, dog beware” Take caution of whatever you want Gingerbread suit lifts his chin at me With his tattletale sandman sitting in his tree. I talked to his girl, she said she's so lonely I said, “If your in it for the money, than the money ain't free” Some see it coming, but I know that some don't Take caution of whatever you want(x 2) Well, they killed all the kids that cried to die young As the champagne bled from their freshly bit tongues And I've made myself a fashionable gun 'Cause it's the hippest way to shoot someone Well now, some see it coming but I know that some don't Take caution of whatever you want Some see it coming, but I know that some don't Take caution of whatever you want