There is a castle on a cloud, 在那云端有一座城堡 I like to go there in my sleep, 我想去那里好好睡一觉 Aren't any floors for me to sweep, 那里的楼梯不需要我打扫 Not in my castle on a cloud. 在我云端的城堡,不需要 There is a room that's full of toys, 那里有一个堆满玩具的房间 There are a hundred boys and girls, 那里有一百个男孩和女孩 Nobody shouts or talks too loud, 那里没有人大声喧哗和吵闹 Not in my castle on a cloud. 在我云端的城堡,都没有 There is a lady all in white, 那里有一个穿白衣的女子 Holds me and sings a lullaby, 她把我抱在怀里唱着摇篮曲 She's nice to see and she's soft to touch, 她的目光温暖她的抚摸温柔 She says "Cosette, I love you very much." 她说“珂赛特,我非常爱你。” I know a place where no one's lost, 我知道一个地方,那里没有人会迷失 I know a place where no one cries, 我知道一个地方,那里没有人会哭泣 Crying at all is not allowed, 哭泣在那里不会被允许 Not in my castle on a cloud 在我云端的城堡,不允许