作曲 : Josh Davis & Lateef Daumont 作词 : Daumont, Davis He just wanted us to call him 'Captain Da' He said you can call me 'Da-Da' Whatever that meant Out of gas, still burning. Hey there... Who me? Just a friendly neighbourhood speed demon I'm out to Nascar in a fast car to the last car 'Til there ain't no cars left Must because I go by With enough dust flyin around To make you cry it back down and choke half near to death Oh I'm gonna go on your left Sorry 'bout that See like you a push the bucket I like to burn big Like you I gotta cut all the bullshit outta my life to live So I tell 'em move over This road aint big enough for ya I'm flyin like Knightrider they tryin' to keep up with they grandma outside on the side Maybe their steel belted radials expired Maybe they're tired Maybe their odometer needs to be rewired Or something Fucking asshole My bad Can you believe some of the drivers they let out here on the road? See, when the whole things slows down You're gonna find that clown who's gonna give you a scene With the chance to take it... now! Damn, what the fuck are you doing, motherfucking asshole - Sorry! Get off my lane you fucking fuck! - I got yours right here buddy Bite Me Dude, What the fuck is your problem? (Spanish shouts) Maldito hijo de puta! - Well get outta the way then! Move! I'll...catch ya on the rebound! Goddamn motherfucker, what the hell are you doing! So much hostility... Y'all just keep checking your rear windows Maybe you'll catch me passing... Mashed. Cut em-cut-cut em-cut em-cut em-cut-cut em off Cut em-cut-cut em-cut em-cut-cut-cut-cut em off Cut-cut-cut-cut-cut em-cut em-cut em off in the crash