It's fifty years since Sputnik, when the Russians shocked the world With an orb and two antennae Earth would never be the same Fueling our worst fears that we'd be vulnerable and weak If we did not respond in kind, we'd lose the game So we got our act together, and Explorer One went flying But not before the Russians sent a dog up into space If I said I knew why they thought dogs should fly, I would be lying They were caught up in some kind of human race A race to the furthest star A race to the galaxies above If a little bit of fear can go so far Imagine what a world could do with love ...... Gagarin took a spin around the globe in 61 and He was followed ten months later by an astronaut named Glenn Alexei took a spacewalk, Captain Kirk, he took our TV And I've never been the same since then A race to the furthest star A race to the galaxies above If a little bit of dreaming goes so far Imagine what a world could do with love ...... Imagine human footprints on a distant lunar plane Imagine floating science labs where gravity is gone Imagine the potential that our species could contain If we were drawn to love again I heard a scientist declare the world as we know it Is destined to be swallowed up in some gigantic hole And nothing that you do on earth will outlast or survive this Is there any point in trying to take control? Just another baby boomer, writing poems Putting flowers into rifles, hugging trees and singing songs And the questions in the air aren't rocket science What's the point and where on Earth do we belong? In our race to the furthest star A race to the galaxies above If a little bit of vision goes so so far Imagine what a world could do with love