Ever head has secret places Ever heart had seen better days Don’t you know. Oh~~~ Take it train to a different part. Find the linellae to the start. They’re never knew pang. Oh~~~ No, it won’t be easy when they go, And I’m probably crying on my own. But didn’t you know tears that full its’ I’ve been holding you up and carrying you through red thunder~~~ red thunder~~~ I see your tear falling from your eyes. Your face’s telling me it’s not surprise that you’re down. Oh~~~ Take your sin thought and throw away, You start running and you wake up next to me wondering. Oh~~~ No, it won’t be easy when you go. And I’m probably crying on my own. But didn’t you know tears that full its’ I’ve been holding you up and carrying you through Red thunder~~~ Red thunder~~~ Red thunder~~~ Red thunder~~~ Thunder~~~ Thunder~~~ Red thunder~~~ Red thunder~~~ Huhwo~~~~~~~~ WO~~~~~ Wo~~~~~ wo~~~~~ Thunder~ Red thunder~