I rang your Wayne Manor bell Your secrets I'll never tell But tings aren't going so well Oh yeah and by the way This Harvey Dent Day is crap I know that you took the wrap It's been eight years and no bat And so I gotta say Your dread was holding Smoke bombs you were throwing Dark Knight cape was flowing What the hell you doing lately?! Hey when I met you It was crazy A Lamborghini And two hot ladies You tried to look like-you were happy! But you were Batman And really angry Hey when I met you and you were crazy You drove a Tumbler Through Gotham City And all the orphan boys Tried to haze me I know you're batman So stop being lazy [Tumbler是蝙蝠车的名字 They say you're pissing in jars You got long nails and weird scars And that you don't drive your cars So yeah and by the way I think this cat lady steals She's doing back flips in heels Acting like it's no big deal And did I mention bane His fame is growing Weird mask,muscles showing Almost killed Jim Gordon What do you gonna do about it?! Hey when I met you It was crazy You drove a Tumbler In Gotham City It's hard to walk right-With a bad knee So see a doctor A leg brace maybe Hey when I met you You were crazy You used a sky hook To kidnap Chinese This Harvey Dent Day It don't phaze me We need the Batman So quit being lazy Before you were the Dark Knight Gotham was so bad It was so bad I mean like so so bad Before you were the Dark Knight Gotham was so bad Now we miss Batman So just be back Batman! It's hard to fight crime-From the east wing So ride your bat pod And shoot the gun thing you were crazy You drove a Tumbler Through Gotham City And all the orphan boys Tried to haze me I know you're batman So stop being lazy Before this Bane guy steals your cash Shave your mustache Shave off your mustache Just shave off your mustache Don't put on the Batman mask with a mustache Just shave your mustache There is no 'Bat-man-stache