Omaha, will you still call me darling? Omaha, will I still be your girl? When I come home from the thrill Of hunting lions Mining ruby-throated riches From the world I don’t know if my cup Will ever be full But the moon, I know she will Hanging over our hearts So heavy they could break Like a thundercloud so full up It could spill I won’t blame you if you stop I won’t hate you if you quit You gave me your medicine Made me strong enough to leave you And I did Omaha, will you still call me darling? Omaha, will I still be your girl? If I never bring you back A single lion Find the ruby-throated riches Of the world So many miners In gambling cities So many miners I’ve seen Putting all their money down And panning for gold Fools with impossible dreams No, I won’t blame you if you stop And I won’t hate you if you quit You only turned your head Long enough to leave you And I did Again and again And again And if the whole thing Goes down in flames We’ll burn out bright And if my whole life Is a string of mistakes You’ll be one thing I got right Omaha, will you still call me darling? Omaha, will I still be your girl? Oh, your clouds they are so full Of silver linings You’ve got the richest sky I’ve seen In all the world