[01:23.31 [02:50.29 [01:32.01 [01:40.62 [01:44.13 [01:48.15 [01:50.72 [01:56.15 [02:00.55 And i must figure out why it's there [02:12.88 That's hooked into all of you [02:21.24 With a whole in her heart [02:03.12 [03:10.94 [03:23.38 Poor little boy Head in a whirl There's a phony slick world all around you That poor little boy he must find you There's a need and desire I have To express what's inside of me I must figure it out while it's still there And an endless amout of Of a joy that you touch me with Thought it's almost too much for me to bear Poor litte girl