Every day's a holiday in Mr. Moody's Garden Where little girls say pardon and how do You do my name is Nosey And this is me sister really (really) Good she is at saying to you too Now just across the lawn is Pat Sitting on his favorite hat Waiting for the barber to arrive And if he doesn't come today Pat will shout (hip-hip-hooray) Ain't it grand to be alive When every day's a holiday in Mr. Moody's Garden Where little girls say pardon and how do You do my name is Nosey And this is me sister really (really) Good she is at saying to you too Now lying on the garden fence Is a man (at great expense) History tells us will outgrow his youth But only until such a time He finds out why he's been lying And then of course he'll tell the truth Cos every day's a holiday in Mr. Moody's Garden Where little girls say pardon and how do - ya do Now down among the partridge trees Lives a man who loves his knees So much so he's framed them in a jar And if by chance one should escape And to put on must in it's place With half a pound of shredded tar Cos every day's a holiday in Mr.Moody's Garden Where little girls say pardon And Bill and Ben found stardom While playing John Wesley Harden Who looked just like Billy Cardon's Answer to choo-choo