And at the post fest lig I saw Ten thousand people maybe more I said that I was from Kerrang! I steamed into the throng and sang Get thee behind me Stryper I’ve played your records backwards I’ve seen your antics in the Green Room Into the main marquee I walked The coke was coke and the tongue was forked The rural dean lay inert In his John 3:16 shirt Get thee behind me Stryper I’ve played your records backwards I’ve seen your antics in the Green Room (backwards) The body of Shane Fenton is in the laundry chute of the New Ambassadors Hotel near Euston Station* Get thee behind me Stryper I’ve played your records backwards I’ve seen your antics in the Green Room And After The Fire were a mess on the floor Drunk in the tented village The grand leviathan of the White Metal scene Drunk in the tented village Wendy Wimbush on a spacehopper was Drunk in the tented village All things bright and beautiful Drunk in the tented village