Here comes the postman - letters in his sack Dear Auntie Mary, we'd love to have you back Here come the letters through the letterbox Poor Georgina has caught the chickenpox Here come the cornflakes, here comes the milk Read the morning paper, watch the Kilroy-Silk Here comes the toothbrush, here comes a shit Here comes a number 15, oh bollocks, I missed it That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that Here comes a journey - bus and train and foot Crowded conditions - watch your foot where you put Here comes the office, here comes the job Get your bloody head down, shut your bloody gob Here comes the evening, here comes a pub Sink a pair of lagers, eat a bit of pub-grub Here comes a disco, here comes a piss Here comes a holiday in San Francisco, here comes another 23 years of this That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that That's enough of that...