[12.00.000]I wanna be right eternally [00:01.000]I need another chance [00:12.000]I need one last chance [00:22.000]I’ve looked at myself [00:27.000]I don’t like what i see [00:39.000]I need another chance [00:47.000]To try to do it right [00:59.000]I can do it right [01:06.000]If I have the strength [01:13.000]If I keep my will [01:19.000]If I direct my body [01:26.000]I can do it right [01:32.000]I need another chance [01:40.000]Because I looked at myself [01:45.000]And I’m goin wrong [02:00.000]But I can do it right [02:06.000]You can show me how i you did before [02:13.000]When I really needed to do it right [02:22.000]I was in a fix before [02:28.000]I was really in trouble [02:35.000]It was sharp and quick [02:38.000]It took me by surprise [02:46.000]And you helped me then [02:55.000]It was a matter of time [03:03.000]But this time it’s different [03:09.000]It’s been a growing thing [03:15.000]It wasn’t sharp and quick [03:18.000]No no no no [03:21.000]It didn’t take me by surprise [03:30.000]It came along slow and soft [03:39.000]It crept and i saw it all alone the way [03:49.000]It came on bit by bit [03:53.000]And I knew it all along [03:59.000]The only difference is now [04:05.000]It’s gone too far [04:12.000]It’s gone too far [04:19.000]It almost seems irreversible [04:25.000]I need another chance [04:30.000]I wanna do it right [04:36.000]Cause when i looked at myself [04:43.000]It was going all wrong [04:50.000]I’ve got to change my style [04:57.000]I’ve got to do something different [05:06.000]I’ve got to be in my world [05:12.000]I’ve got to see what [05:15.000]I see I’ve got to hear what [05:17.000]I hear I’ve got to move through time [05:26.000]With me on my mind [05:32.000]You can forget the rest [05:36.000]Because if i think about it [05:42.000]I’m gonna lose myself [05:47.000]And it’ll be too late [05:53.000]Don’t let it be too late now [05:55.000]Don’t let it be too late now [05:57.000]I need another chance [06:01.000]Cause it’s gone too far [06:05.000]I hope it’s not irreversible [06:11.000]Let me stem the tide [06:17.000]Let me reverse this thing [06:23.000]Let me put my hand up and say “ [06:27.000] [06:32.000]Turn around, go back where you came” [06:40.000]Give me another chance [06:51.000]Because I can do it right [06:55.000]I can do it right [07:01.000]I’ve got to do it right [07:05.000]Because if [07:07.000]I don’t I’m gone [07:14.000]I’m real gone [07:20.000]And I don’t want to lose [07:25.000]All of my control [07:31.000]I wanna be the driver [07:36.000]The one ridin’ in the trunk [07:40.000]With the rope around my feet and my hand [07:45.000]And a gag in my mouth [07:50.000]Don’t wanna be kidnapped by [07:55.000]What? Who? Where? [07:58.000]I wanna move through time [08:08.000]With me on my mind [08:12.000]I wanna be the driver [08:19.000]I wanna say to my selves, “ [08:21.000]Move like you should, assemble yourselves and do right for this body, this mind, this soul, this spirit, this being” [08:38.000]I wanna live right [08:43.000]I wanna live so right [08:51.000]I don’t wanna go wrong [08:57.000]And I see myself goin wrong [09:00.000]So I’ve got to stop [09:04.000]I’ve got to summon my powers [09:08.000]I’ve got to drop off all the dead and dying [09:17.000]I got to cauterize my wounds [09:23.000]I got to stem the tide of the bad [09:29.000]I got to say “ [09:31.000]Stop, turn around [09:38.000]Go back to from where you came” [09:41.000]I wanna be right, you bad go back [09:48.000]Go back to from where you came [09:50.000]Bad bad, go back, bad bad, go back [09:58.000]I wanna be right [10:03.000]I wanna be right [10:06.000]I wanna control my body my soul my mind my spirit [10:11.000]I wanna be in charge [10:20.000]I wanna say it’s like this [10:21.000]I wanna say it’s like that [10:25.000]I don’t wanna be told [10:29.000]Don’t wanna be told “ [10:31.000]You gotta be like that [10:35.000]You gotta be like this” [10:38.000]Cause it don’t help none [10:42.000]I know why [10:45.000]I know where [10:47.000]I know how [10:49.000]I know when [10:51.000]I wanna be [10:54.000]I know what I wanna be [11:00.000]I know how I wanna be [11:01.000]I know when I wanna be I know where [11:05.000]I wanna be I wanna be right in my own mind [11:15.000]If I can’t be right [11:21.000]I’m gonna be gone [11:25.000]I don’t wanna be gone [11:30.000]I just wanna be, me, here, now [11:38.000]Give me another chance [11:43.000]Give one more chance [11:48.000]And let me do right [11:51.000]Once and for all [11:54.000]All time eternally [12:07.000]I don’t have to be alone [12:13.000]I can be alone [12:17.000]I don’t have to be alone [12:18.000]But I can be alone [12:21.000]But I don’t have to be alone [12:26.000]It doesn’t matter [12:29.000]Right is right [12:31.000]It comes from outside, not from the outside [12:39.000]I wanna be right from the inside out [12:44.000]I want you to see [12:46.000]I want them to see [12:49.000]I want to be right for everyone to see [12:54.000]I wanna be right [12:57.000]For me, for you, for them, for the elements [13:08.000]For space, for time [13:15.000]Please give me another chance [13:20.000]Don’t let it be gone [13:24.000]Don’t it be the end of being right [13:33.000]I saw myself right [13:38.000]I let it go, give it back [13:40.000]Give me another chance, give it back [13:45.000]I let it go, give it back [13:47.000]Give me another chance [13:56.000]I wanna live right [14:01.000]I wanna live right [14:04.000]I wanna be in charge of my life [14:10.000]My death, my eternity [14:15.000]I wanna be right [14:21.000]And I’ll do anything [14:28.000]I gotta summon my powers [14:31.000]I gotta be myself [14:34.000]I gotta have my will [14:36.000]I gotta be myself [14:38.000]I gotta get my strength [14:41.000]I gotta conquer these foes [14:45.000]I gotta beat up on bad [14:53.000]I gotta elevate the good [14:59.000]It’s so easy to see [15:06.000] [15:07.000]I can see [15:09.000]I can see what’s bad and good [15:12.000]I can look I can tell I can judge I can point my finger [15:17.000]And say “That’s bad, that’s good” [15:22.000]And deep inside [15:25.000]I know I can’t be wrong [15:31.000]If I’m right, give me another chance [15:38.000]I wanna be right [15:48.000]I wanna be right [15:57.000]I wanna be right [16:05.000]Give me another chance [16:12.000]Give me another chance [16:15.000]Give me another chance [16:18.000]Cause I looked at myself [16:20.000]And I saw bad [16:26.000]I looked at myself and [16:29.000]I said “Oh, is it too late?” [16:33.000]Is it too late? [16:37.000]Oh, please don’t let it be too late [16:44.000]Don’t let it be too late [16:45.000]Help me reverse this trend [16:50.000]Help me stem this tide [16:51.000]Help me put my hand down and say “ [16:54.000]Stop, turn around, [17:01.000]Go back to from where you came” [17:10.000]Let me take the good [17:16.000]Let me put it in myself [17:25.000]Let me digest the good [17:30.000]Let me emanate the good [17:34.000]Let me be in control [17:38.000]Don’t let this sickness take me over [17:44.000]Don’t let these things get me down [17:45.000]Don’t let these things take effect [17:48.000]Don’t let em change me [17:54.000]And I don’t mind if [17:55.000]I change But let it be good [18:03.000]Let me change to the good [18:05.000]Every time [18:07.000]I change Every second [18:11.000]I move Every time [18:13.000]I turn around [18:24.000]Kill the bad, kill em [18:30.000]Kill the bad [18:31.000]Kill the bad [18:34.000]Generate the good in me [18:38.000]Kill the bad things [18:40.000]I got inside me [18:42.000]Let them die [18:46.000]They don’t deserve, let em die [18:50.000]Just kill em [18:57.000]It ain’t like killin’ no [19:07.000]It’s annihilation, extermination [19:12.000]Elimination elimination [19:20.000]Eliminate the bad [19:28.000]Cast the bad [19:35.000]Eliminate the bad [19:45.000]I want to be good [19:56.000]I wanna be right [20:01.000]There’s only one judge of that [20:05.000]I know I wanna be right [20:12.000]I gotta see myself right [20:21.000]I got to see myself [20:25.000]If I’m not right, why not? [20:32.000]Cause I did bad [20:36.000]Yeah, I did bad [20:43.000]And I’ll tell you this [20:47.000]Bad is different for everyone that is different [20:56.000]And that’s everyone and everything [20:59.000]So your bad’s not my bad [21:02.000]But I got bad and you bad [21:06.000]Unless I don’t know you like [21:08.000]I know me [21:11.000]But I know me, and [21:12.000]I got bad, and [21:13.000]I got wrong [21:15.000]And I don’t like it [21:17.000]And I want to eliminate it [21:20.000]I want it gone before [21:22.000]I’m gone I want bad to be gone before [21:27.000]I’m gone I don’t want to be gone [21:31.00]I want bad to be gone so [21:33.000]I can be I don’t be right [21:41.000]I wanna be right [21:46.000]Give me another chance [21:53.000]Give me another chance [21:55.000]I won’t let you down, not this time [22:03.000]Three strikes and you’re out [22:04.000]And I had one [22:08.000]And I hit a home run [22:10.000]But I stopped after first base [22:13.000]And hey, they, [22:14.000]They pushed me, they [22:17.000]They pushed and pulled [22:19.000]They pulled any me in father next [22:27.000]Must of been fear [22:29.000]I think it was fear [22:33.000]Cause I had it made [22:36.000]I had the whole home run [22:40.000]But I missed it [22:43.000]Second time up [22:47.000]I hardly even swung [22:52.000]I didn’t even try [22:54.000]I quit trying [22:56.000]I knew what I should be doin [23:00.000]Every once in a while [23:02.000]I’d touch my little toe in the water [23:06.000]But I never did jump in [23:08.000]I never did dive in to that water [23:11.000]And that’s what [23:12.000]I know I gotta do now [23:14.000]Cause if I don’t do it now [23:17.000]I’m gone Because wrong is at the point [23:24.000]It’s at the point of smothering me [23:30.000]Smoldering me, drowning me [23:33.000]Putting me out [23:37.000]And I need to burn my flame [23:44.000]I need to ignite [23:45.000]I need to spark [23:49.000]I need to beam [23:52.000]I need to shine my light [23:58.000]Give me another chance to shine my light [24:07.000]I don’t want to go down [24:12.000]I don’t have to go down [24:18.000]Not if I got some will [24:22.000]And I got some power [24:24.00]And I got some strength [24:28.000]And I got some control [24:29.000]And I’m the driver [24:30.000]And I’m in charge [24:34.000]I can do it [24:37.000]I can do it [24:40.000]Hey, I got to do it [24:54.000]If I don’t do it, [24:56.000]I’m done It’s either do or be done [25:02.000]I’m not over yet [25:04.00]I’m not over [25:06.000]I’m never gonna be over [25:09.000]I’m never gonna end [25:13.000]I shall not end [25:24.000]I’m not gonna be gone [25:26.000]I’m gonna be forever [25:30.000]Eternally [25:35.000]I shall be [25:40.000]And I’m not saying [25:44.00]I always was [25:47.000]I’m saying [25:49.000]I shall always be [25:56.000]And I make this decision now [26:01.000]I shall be [26:05.000]I want to do right [26:17.000]And there is no eye in this universe [26:26.000]That can tell me [26:29.000]What right is, because [26:31.000]I know what right is [26:36.000]And I know what wrong is [26:43.000]By this time [26:48.000]I know Give me another chance [26:50.000]Give me another chance [27:04.000]I surely need your help [27:12.000]I surely need your help [27:22.000]To conquer death [27:28.000]To conquer evil [27:32.000]To conquer bad [27:34.000]I wanna be in charge [27:40.000]I wanna control my destiny [27:48.00]I wanna live up to my standards [28:03.000]I know it can be done [28:15.000]It came sharp and quick [28:18.000]And you helped me and I conquered all [28:24.000]Now it’s come slow and soft [28:30.000]And I need your help [28:34.000]For the last time [28:38.000]Cause if it’s not this time [28:41.000]I believe it’s never [28:45.000]And I can’t face that [28:49.000]I don’t have to face that [28:52.000]I demand your assistance [29:00.000]It only takes one word [29:03.000]And that word is yes [29:08.000]Give me your yes [29:11.000]And I’ll give you mine [29:15.000]I gave you mine [29:16.000]I forgot it, and I’m sorry [29:22.000]But you hit me hard