This is a big place where we life forms hang- nothing but time and space ever since the big bang. You've got a blank page and some crayons. You've got your own stage you can play on. You've heard about this passion play. Well, God is giving parts away. And you get to choose one. You get to choose one. You can choose to think small or fly high. You can even imagine a wall and not try. You can stand there frozen at the crossroads, knowing when you've chosen, there will be lost roads; but every gain involves a loss, regardless of the coin you toss Why don't you choose one? You may as well choose one. (Why don't you choose one?) If not here on Earth, where then? If not you, who? (I ask you) If not now, when? It's such a hard math to try to calculate, Is this the right path? Is this my soulmate? Is this the right time to make a new start? You've got to go out of your mind to get into yourt heart. All rivers take you to one place. All lovers lead you to one face. Why don't you choose one? Why don't you choose one? It's just a brief stop we make here- kind of like a short walk off a long pier. You can make your life a dance or go out cursing that you never took a chance; you were rehearsing. Care diem Otil it's gone. There are a billion stars to wish upon. Why don't you choose one? Why don't you choose one? You've heard about this passion play. Well, God is giving parts away. She got to choose one. You get to choose one Why don't you choose one? Why don't you choose one? (Why don't you choose one?) (Why don't you choose one?) (Go ahead and take your path.) (Go ahead and take your path.)