作曲 : Maury Yeston 作词 : Maury Yeston Just a cursory look at the blueprints here Shows the weaknesses that we have missed How the water poured in A three hundred foot gash And caused the bow to flood and to list And then it filled to the top Our separate watertight compartments And began to overflow Because the walls in between the compartments Are too low She's only sinking because these bulkheads Stop a deck too low But here's a thought take the line And extend up the walls to the brink It's just a small redesign But when it's done then I know she can't sink Like this like this Like this like this The ship will start to plunge beneath the surface The water lapping at our feet Down sinks the bow up flies the stern To the sky The panicked people in retreat A thousand strong they'll climb up Toward the aft deck They'll cling there desperately Like bees to a hive There they'll hold fast Doomed to the last Lost and abandoned and all still alive A few of them will hang there From the railings As one by one they'll drop away More than two hundred fifty feet They will fall And after that I cannot say I will not say The rest in swarms will overrun the boat deck They'll lose all sense of right and wrong It will be every man from himself all right The weak thrown in with the strong First class and third and second Will mean nothing And sheer humanity alone will prevail One single class Brute harsh and crass That's what will come of the world that set sail Autumn Shall we all meet in the autumn Shall we all meet in the autumn