[00:01.36]Hello, Rick [00:02.24]Hello, Louis [00:03.05]How extravagant you are, throwing away women like that [00:05.42]Someday they may be scarce [00:07.85]I think now I shall pay a call on Yvonne [00:09.54]Maybe get her on the rebound [00:11.77]When it comes to women, you're a true democrat [00:24.24]If he gets a word in, it'll be a major Italian victory [00:31.62]The plane to Lisbon [00:37.80]You would like to be on it. [00:39.65]Why? What's in Lisbon? [00:41.66]The clipper to America [00:43.82]I've often speculated on why you don't return to America [00:46.73]Did you abscond with the church funds? [00:48.84]Did you run off with a senator's waife? [00:50.97]I like to think you killed a man [00:52.38]It's the romantic in me [00:54.10]It's a combination of all three [00:55.79]And what in heavers name brought you to Casablanca? [00:58.25]My health [00:58.95]I came to Casablanca for the waters [01:01.21]The waters? What waters? [01:03.02]We are in the desert [01:05.13]I was misinformed