[00:00.080]Alvin [00:00.389]There's gotta be thousands of stories in this head of yours, tom. [00:04.330]Don’t look for one that isn't there. [00:07.421](alvin looks around at the mess of papers and books strewn about in thomas’s mind.) [00:08.336] [00:09.579]This is it tom [00:12.507]This is all there is. [00:16.037]And isn’t it amazing’ [00:20.071]Here we sit, tom. [00:22.952]Forever tossing branches off a bridge. [00:27.673] [00:30.408]Here we’re frozen at ten. [00:32.921]Here we’re awkward young men. [00:35.390]And you filed away these memories [00:38.009]Bit by bit. [00:39.809] [00:40.622]Now look again. [00:42.707]You wanted a story, tom [00:45.616]Well this, [00:47.081]All around you, [00:48.490]This is it. [00:50.799] [00:52.985]Admit, tom [00:55.889]You expected more. [00:59.867]But isn’t this refreshing’ [01:03.479]This is it, tom. [01:06.408]Sure, it’s nothing like the picture on the box. [01:09.936] [01:11.455]And no secrets exist, [01:13.917]In some moment you missed, [01:16.412]Just accept that sometimes pieces [01:18.891]Might not fit. [01:22.134]And that’s okay. [01:23.798]‘Cause all that you needed, tom [01:26.848]Is here. [01:28.150]All around you, [01:29.601]This is it. [01:30.654] [01:31.063]Look at them all. Stories about you. Stories about me. Stories about us. [01:35.242]Just waiting for you to pick them and write them down. [01:40.456] [01:42.534]You are a writer. [01:44.916]Take what you know. [01:47.420]Here there's a lifetime of moments and details [01:50.250]Now you make them blossom and grow. [01:52.874]Find what’s important. [01:54.427]Thomas [01:54.607]Find what’s important. [01:56.020]Alvin [01:56.207]Help it to thrive. [01:57.146]Thomas [01:57.315]Help it to thrive. [01:58.479]Alvin [01:58.660]When you rearrange them and tell them [02:00.612]You keep all our memories and stories alive. [02:03.575]Thousands of stories [02:04.953]Thomas [02:05.113]Thousands of stories [02:07.966]Both [02:08.133]Constantly new. [02:12.619] [02:13.488]Alvin [02:13.656]So our stories remain [02:15.439]Thomas [02:15.620]Stories remain [02:17.221]Alvin [02:17.409]Full of laughter and pain. [02:19.501] [02:21.520]Thomas [02:21.809]Mixed with capra and twain. [02:25.536] [02:26.828]Alvin [02:27.053]Told by you. [02:31.794] [02:36.112]You and me, tom [02:39.746]This is all we get. [02:45.138]And wasn’t it exciting’ [02:47.959]But don’t you see, tom [02:51.138]It isn’t really over, after all. [02:56.599] [02:58.739]Just like stones in a lake [03:01.692]And the ripples they make [03:04.443]Stories carry on through time [03:06.684]And never quit. [03:09.488]It’s up to you. [03:11.738]This isn’t my story now [03:14.633]It’s yours. [03:16.375]Look around you. [03:17.759]This is it. [03:19.491] [03:23.177]This is you. [03:24.442]This is me. [03:25.956]This is love. [03:27.877]This is life. [03:31.752]This is it.