[00:00.111]Painting the Roses Red /March of the Cards (《爱丽斯梦游仙境》电影插曲)-The Mello Men/Kathryn Beaumont [00:08.60]Bum bum bum bum [00:10.10]Painting the roses red [00:11.560]We're painting the roses red [00:13.480]We dare not stop or waste a drop [00:15.530]So let the paint be spread [00:17.430]We're painting the roses red [00:20.230]We're painting the roses red [00:23.530]Oh painting the roses red [00:27.450]And many a tear we shed [00:29.350]Because we know [00:31.20]They'll cease to grow [00:32.340]In fact they'll soon be dead [00:37.140]And yet we go ahead [00:38.690]Painting the roses red [00:43.869]Painting the roses red [00:45.299]We're painting the roses red [00:47.179]Oh pardon me [00:48.519]But mister three [00:49.479]Why must you paint them red [00:54.559]Well the fact is miss [00:56.859]We planted the white roses by mistake [01:00.369]And [01:01.579]The queen [01:02.169]She likes them red [01:03.299]If she saw white instead [01:05.289]She'd raise her voice [01:06.229]And each of us would quickly lose his head [01:10.229]Since this is the thought we dread [01:14.79]We're painting the roses red [01:16.679]Oh dear then let me help you [01:19.989]Painting the roses red [01:21.449]We're painting the roses red [01:23.489]Don't tell the queen that's what you've seen [01:25.528]Or tell her what we've said [01:27.368]We're painting the roses red [01:29.348]Yes painting the roses red [01:31.368]Not pink [01:31.918]Not green [01:32.448]Not aquamarine [01:33.478]We're painting the roses red