[00:00.081]You have been gathered here to kill every child under two [00:06.912]Every pregnant mother too [00:10.043]We will stop the second coming of Christ [00:22.412]I the pope bow to no one - yet alone bow to god [00:31.313]I will slaughter everyone [00:35.101]Before I risk the power vested in me [00:44.204]Risk the power vested in me [00:49.711]Assemble the legions of priests and vow to me that every infant will die [00:55.358]Promise to me that Christ will hang [00:57.089]Nailed to a cross before he’s three [01:00.580]Arise and become an ordained clergy of plague [01:04.542]All sweeping across the world to cleanse [01:09.069]Clean!!! [01:15.076]Crucify the children in the streets... [01:25.211]For all the world to see... [01:37.448]The prophecies cannot be fulfilled [01:40.501]If they are we will be exposed for what we have truly become: [01:48.765]Perverts draped in robes claiming to be embodiments of God [01:56.912]Kill him before we are exposed [02:00.035]Erase him so no one knows what we have become [02:11.766]Now bring me the head of the infant Jesus Christ [02:19.030]Impaled on my sword [02:22.019]So that I may mount it on my wall [02:28.102]I will rule forever [02:41.127]Bring me the head of the infant Jesus Christ