[00:11.750]Nails pin the hands and the feet of the infant children to the telephone poles. [00:22.150] [00:22.800]The crows feed upon their carrion. [00:26.520] [00:27.200]Their empty eyes stare through the swarms of malignant flies as their blood sweats through the soil. [00:35.750] [00:37.320]Mothers weep at their children's bloody feet [00:41.100] [00:43.110]The cries of every mother blend in with each other creating a mass hum that reverberates around the world. [01:05.240] [01:05.680]The families that resisted were soaked in gasoline then burnt alive - all burnt inside their own homes. [01:19.970] [01:32.580]As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I cast my eyes upon a mother weeping at the feet of her murdered family. [01:53.790] [01:56.880]I grab her by her hair then I drag her into an alley where I sodomize her. [02:06.310] [02:08.810]As I **** her, I smash her face into the bricks. [02:12.770] [02:13.440]Choking, pounding, I **** and strangle her until I cum onto her deconstructed face. [02:17.820] [02:34.420]Once my **** pulls out her intestines hit the floor. [02:44.400] [02:44.660]Her ass tears then her bowls began to pour. [02:47.290] [02:48.000]I watch her bleed out [02:57.290] [02:57.940]