[WITCH Children must listen. [RAPUNZEL [WITCH Childrem must see- [RAPUNZEL [WITCH Why could you not obey? Children should listen. What have I been to you? What would you have me be? Handsome like a Prince? Ah, but I am old. I am ugly. I embarass you. [RAPUNZEL [WITCH [RAPUNZEL [WITCH You don't understand. [RAPUNZEL [WITCH [RAPUNZEL I wish to see the world. [WITCH Someone has to shield you from the world. Stay with me. Princes wait there in the world, it's true. Princes, yes, but wolves and humans, too. Stay at home. I am home. Who out there could love you more than I? What out there that I cannot supply? Stay with me. Stay with me, The world is dark and wild. Stay a child while you can be a child. With me.