So here I am thirty minutes late to the movie The action is already well under way So how am I supposed to tell what's happening here I'd like to know what's really going on I haven't been here very long Easily I could get this story all wrong... You know it's a ride You know its a ride When you can't find that exit sign You know its a ride You know its a ride When you're suprised It didn't take me that much time to find out The Romance is more than just an aside It's in the lines and in our eyes I feel it in the air I'm haunted by the hope of something more I haven't been here very long Easily I ride. You know it's a ride. When you're suprised You know it's a ride, You know it's a ride Cause your heart beats wild You know it's a ride You know it's a ride With desire You know it's a ride, You know it's the ride That we're born inside You know it's a ride, You know it's a ride COME ON LE T'S RIDE