If I had married JFK I would have lost my mind ' Cause everybody seemed to know How he spent his leisure time Well I guess that things were different then A wife just turned her head But do you think she cried When the president didn't make it home to bed How did she survive That kind of life If I were Jackie I'd got in one of those black sedans And left the secret service in the dust If I were Jackie I'd of told Marylin - you can keep that man ' Cause he's gonna cheat on you like he cheated on us She kept on facing forward and she held her head up high Even when she smelled a strange perfume She stood there by his side She'd smile and she would wave Like she had grown accustomed to The picture of perfection like a debutante would do Did she ever ask him Where the hell have you been If I were Jackie I'd got in one of those black sedans And left the secret service in the dust If I were Jackie I'd of told Marylin - you can keep that man ' Cause he's gonna cheat on you like he cheated on us [spoken] Well, I guess it's easy to sit here today and say what I would do Yeah, but we'll probably never know If it was her weakness or strength That covered up the truth If I were Jackie I'd got in one of those black sedans And left the secret service in the dust If I were Jackie I'd of told Marylin - you can keep that man ' Cause he's gonna cheat on you like he cheated on us If I were Jackie I'd got in one of those black seans And left the secret service in the dust