I was coming home in the dead of night In a cruel October storm When an old grey man came into sight His jacket sodden and torn The mist was tangled in his hand As I asked where is your home He spoke as if I was not there And his voice was cold as stone Cold as stone T'was in that far-off land of mine Dear land I'll never see The grey church like a ghost stood up And the sundial spoke to me The grey church like a ghost stood up And the sundial spoke to me It spoke into this soul of mine This day this day is thine This day is thine The bright-eyed baby Bunsen flowers Showered sweetness on the spring And in the dark green shade I heard Singers of the deep wood sing And in the dark green shade I heard Singers of the deep wood sing And that old sundial had it's say This day no other day No other day No other day The players of the playtime pass How swift the seasons turn For what we strive and most may love Still never yet may earn For what we strive and most may love Still never yet may earn The old sundial it still speaks on This day is nearly gone Nearly gone Nearly gone The kisses and the fallen dreams Hearts that could not hold their pain Seem holier in the mist of years That old sundial speaks again The tears get lost in the mist of years And the sundial speaks again Stern teacher of this heart of mine This day so lost is thine This day is thine My heart is lost in the mist of years It cannot hold it's pain That sundial speaks in this soul of mine This day what's lost is gone The day is gone