(lee brilleaux/gypie mayo) Sitting in a downtown discotheque Saw a cute little girl that stole my breath away Line of guys that had the eyes on her To my surprise she said 'i beg you sir' I stay I thought i had it made Sat at a table for a couple of drinks Moving closer and she kissed my neck That's when i knew that i was in with a chance Records were a playing and she asked for a dance They played I thought i had it made - guitar break - We were a swinging to the moody blues Looked into my eyes i thought i blew a fuse Music stopped playing the lights went out Dropped my drink when i heard them shout It's a raid I thought i had it made Hey everybody take a look at me Didn't come to until a quarter past three Got no money couldn't put up the bail Judge said 'son, i'm gonna keep you in jail.' I stay I thought i had it made Thought i had it I thought i had it made (repeat to fade)