[00:00.000] 作曲 : Traditional [00:08.191]It's cold and raw the north winds blow [00:10.416]Black in the morning early [00:12.666]When all the hills were covered with snow, [00:15.176]Oh then it was winter fairly, [00:17.417]As I riding was riding o'er the moor, [00:19.925]I met a farmer's daughter, [00:21.927]Her cherry cheeks and sloe black eyes, [00:24.418]They caused my heart to falter. [00:27.671]I bowed my bonnet very low [00:29.931]To let her know my meaning. [00:31.923]She answered with a courteous smile, [00:34.434]Her looks they were engaging. [00:36.933]"Where are you bound my pretty maid, [00:39.420]It's now in the morning early." [00:41.181]The answer that she made to me, [00:43.437]"Kind sir to sell me barley." [00:46.175][01:02.687] [01:02.671]"Now twenty guineas I've in my purse, [01:04.671]And twenty more that's yearly, [01:06.933]You need not go to the market town, [01:09.174]For I'll buy all your barley. [01:11.432]If twenty gunieas would gain the heart [01:13.680]Of the maid I love so dearly, [01:15.927]All for to tarry with me one night, [01:18.187]And go home in the morning early." [01:22.175][01:23.934] [01:24.185]As I was riding o'er the moor [01:25.937]The very evening after, [01:28.167]It was my fortune for to meet [01:30.422]The farmer's only daughter. [01:32.670]Although the weather being cold and raw, [01:36.423]With her I thought to parley. [01:37.176]This answer then she made to me, [01:41.434]"Kind sir I've sold me barley."