Kissing Well

歌曲 Kissing Well
歌手 Free Kitten
专辑 Nice Ass


Kim and Julie, vx/ Yoshimi on harmonica:
Come on and down and gathar round the view
Come on down now we've found you
Can't say we disarmed you
Let's take it to the kissing well
Fill ya up and make it swell
Let's take it to the kissing well
Fill ya up and just don't tell
Don't think we've abandoned you
Cos your eyes are so brand new
And sing right through you
Let's take it to the kissing well
Fill ya up and make it swell
Let's take it to the kissing well
Fill ya up and just don't tell
Don't know what to do
Guess we'll play the record through
Just one last spin or two
Needle down makes us grin- whooo!
Let's take it to the kissing well
Fill ya up and make it swell
Let's take it to the kissing well
Fill ya up and just don't tell
We love, we love what you do
Don't think we've abandoned you
Can you see through yr eyes what you do (?)
And you're still country too (??)
Let's take it to the kissing well
Fill ya up and make it swell....