I've been throug this one to many times. |
Bt you dont know this yet, tomorrow I will love you, tonight I will forget. |
Forget you ever met.. tomorrow the last time, tomorrow the last time.. |
Tomorrow the last we speak the tomorrow the last but the one time we meet, tomorrow the last time..tomorrow the last time.. tomorrow the last time.. |
I would offer you your weakly chance to forget you ever met, Id be brave until we met, I would be brave until we met!! |
Id been throug this once to many times, have you notice it yet? I will.. |
Tomorrow I will wake you, tonight I will not think. Would you let it go ringing in my ears..!! |
Tomorrow the last time, tomorrow the last time, tomorrow the last time we speak, the last one time we met.. |
Tomorrow the last time, tomorrow the last time, tomorrow the last time, tomorrow the last time.. |