Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix)

Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix) 歌词

歌曲 Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix)
歌手 Madonna
专辑 Justify My Love
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[00:09.21] Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy
[00:12.83] And blessed are those who hear
[00:16.07] And who keep what is written therein
[00:18.69] For the time is near
[00:25.93] And every eye will see him
[00:28.55] Everyone who pierced him
[00:30.80] And all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of him
[00:36.85] Those of you who have not learned
[00:39.03] What some call the deep things of Satan
[00:42.65] I know your works
[00:44.22] I know your toil
[00:46.15] And your patient endurance
[00:49.27] And how you cannot hear evil men
[00:53.26] But have tested those who call themselves
[00:56.32] Apostles
[00:58.26] But are not
[01:01.57] And found them to be false
[01:03.94] I know you are enduring patiently
[01:06.56] And bearing out
[01:08.93] For my namesake
[01:10.93] And you have not grown weary
[01:14.17] But I have this against you
[01:18.75] That you have abandoned
[01:19.38] The love you had
[01:24.80] I know your tribulation and your poverty
[01:29.82] And the slander of those who say
[01:34.69] that they are Jews
[01:37.26] but they are not
[01:39.87] They are a synagogue of Satan
[01:45.27] Do not fear what you are about to suffer
[01:49.88] Behold the devil is about to throw
[01:54.65] you into prison
[01:56.31] Wanting,
[01:57.66] needing,
[02:00.09] waiting
[02:02.39] for you
[02:03.57] to justify my love
[02:07.57] Hoping,
[02:10.10] praying
[02:12.34] for you
[02:13.46] to justify my love
[02:16.48] And I saw a beast rising out of the sea
[02:19.04] With ten horns and seven heads
[02:20.72] And a blasphemous name upon its head
[02:23.47] And the beast that I saw was like a leopard
[02:26.03] Its feet were like a bear's
[02:28.02] And its mouth was like a lion's mouth
[02:30.89] And to it the dragon gave his power
[02:34.66] and his throne,
[02:36.68] and great authority
[02:39.73] One of his heads had a mortal wound
[02:43.58] But it seemed to have a mortal wound that was healed
[02:49.42] And the whole earth followed the beast with wonder
[02:54.53] Men worshipped the dragon for he had given his authority to the beast
[03:00.30] And they worshipped the beast saying
[03:03.17] "Who is like the beast and who can fight against the beast?"
[03:04.97] And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words
[03:09.42] And it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months
[03:13.16] It opened its mouth to utter blasphemous
[03:15.84] Words
[03:17.16] Against
[03:18.53] God
[03:21.28] It was allowed to make war on the saints
[03:23.51] And to conquer them
[03:26.26] And authority was given it over every tribe
[03:30.00] And a people and tongue and nation
[03:30.75] And all who dwell on earth could worship it
[03:34.18] In vain
[03:36.49] If anyone has an ear let him hear
[03:41.34] If anyone is to be taken captive, into captivity he will go
[03:45.71] If anyone who slays with the sword
[03:48.58] with the sword
[03:49.96] Wanting
[03:52.51] needing
[03:55.05] waiting
[03:57.22] for you
[03:58.46] to justify my love
[04:02.66] Hoping
[04:06.25] Then
[04:07.87] I saw a new heaven
[04:09.99] And a new earth
[04:11.86] And I heard a great voice from the throne saying
[04:15.61] "Behold the dwelling of God is with men
[04:19.23] He will dwell with them
[04:21.79] And they shall be his people
[04:24.54] And God himself will be with them
[04:28.15] People will wipe away every tear from their eyes
[04:31.46] And death shall be no more
[04:34.02] Neither shall there be mourning
[04:36.14] Nor crying
[04:37.39] Nor pain
[04:38.45] Anymore
[04:39.95] For these things will have passed away
[04:46.56] To the thirsty I will give water without price
[04:50.85] From the fountain of the water of life
[04:55.59] He who conquers shall have this heritage
[04:58.84] And I will be his God and he shall be my son
[05:05.64] But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted
[05:09.45] As for the murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolators
[05:15.81] And all liars
[05:20.64] Their lot shall be in the lake
[05:22.20] That burns with fire and brimstone
[05:30.84] And he said to me
[05:34.18] he said to me:
[05:35.80] "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy
[05:37.99] For the time is near"
[05:40.02] Let the evildoers still do evil,
[05:42.32] and the filthy still be filthy
[05:44.87] And the righteous still do right,
[05:47.36] and the holy still be holy
[05:49.85] Behold,
[05:52.40] I am coming soon
[05:57.49] The first and the last
[05:59.86] The beginning
[06:02.47] and the end."
[06:04.89] Amen
[06:07.00] What are you gonna do?
[00:03.06] Madonna--The Beast Within兽性之心Mix
[00:09.21] 念这书上预言的
[00:12.83] 和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的
[00:16.07] 都是有福的
[00:18.69] 因为日期近了
[00:20.94] He is coming with the clouds他腾云驾雾而来(他是指John,耶稣的仆人)
[00:25.93] 所有看到他的人
[00:28.55] 都被他像透明一样地穿过
[00:30.80] 地上的万族都要因他哀哭
[00:36.85] 你们当中有人并不了解
[00:39.03] 一些所谓撒旦奥秘的事
[00:42.65] 我知道你们的工作体系
[00:44.22] 我知道你们的辛苦
[00:46.15] 还有你们无人能及的忍耐力
[00:49.27] 也知道你们不能容忍恶人
[00:53.26] 你也曾试验那些自称
[00:56.32] 使徒
[00:58.26] 却不是使徒的
[01:01.57] 看出他们是假的来。
[01:03.94] 我知道你在持久的忍耐
[01:06.56] 你也能忍耐
[01:08.93] 曾为我的名劳苦
[01:10.93] 并不乏倦
[01:14.17] 然而有一件事我要责备你
[01:18.75] 就是你把起初的爱心
[01:19.38] 离弃了
[01:24.80] 我知道你的患难,你的贫穷
[01:29.82] 以及被他们给予的诽谤
[01:34.69] 他们自称犹太人
[01:37.26] 但他们不是
[01:45.27] 不要畏惧你可能要遭受的
[01:49.88] 看,恶魔将要把你
[01:54.65] 扔进炼狱
[01:56.31] 想要
[01:57.66] 需要
[02:00.09] 等待
[02:02.39] 只为你
[02:03.57] 去证实我的爱
[02:07.57] 希望
[02:10.10] 祈祷
[02:12.34] 只为你
[02:13.46] 去证实我的爱
[02:16.48] 我又看见一个兽从海中上来
[02:19.04] 有十角七头
[02:20.72] 七头上有亵渎的名号
[02:23.47] 我所看见的兽,形状像豹
[02:26.03] 脚像熊的脚
[02:28.02] 口像狮子的口
[02:30.89] 那龙将自己的能力给了他
[02:34.66] 他的宝座
[02:36.68] 以及他权威
[02:39.73] 它的一个头有个致命伤
[02:43.58] 但是这个致命伤貌似已被治愈
[02:49.42] 全地的人,都稀奇地跟从那只怪兽
[02:54.53] 人们因为上帝给予龙的权威而崇拜着龙
[03:00.30] 他们崇拜着那个怪兽的话
[03:03.17] 谁能像那怪物一样,谁能和那怪物交战
[03:04.97] 怪物张开大口说着亵渎污秽的话
[03:09.42] 它被允许行使权力42个月
[03:13.16] 那怪兽张开了充满夸大亵渎的大口
[03:15.84] 字字
[03:17.16] 亵渎
[03:18.53] 神灵
[03:21.28] 又任凭它与圣徒争战
[03:23.51] 并且得胜
[03:26.26] 也把权柄交给它,制服各族
[03:30.00] 各民各方各国
[03:30.75] 没有记在被杀之羔羊生命册上的人,都要拜它
[03:34.18] 反抗也是徒劳
[03:36.49] 凡有耳的,就应当听
[03:41.34] 如果有人被俘虏他会放走
[03:45.71] 用刀杀人的,
[03:48.58] 必被刀杀
[03:49.96] 想要
[03:52.51] 需要
[03:55.05] 等待
[03:57.22] 只为你
[03:58.46] 来证实我的爱
[04:02.66] 希望
[04:06.25] 然后
[04:07.87] 我看到了一片新的天堂
[04:09.99] 一片新的大地
[04:11.86] 然后我听到君王伟大的声音
[04:15.61] 若上帝和人一起居住
[04:19.23] 他也将和人们一起居住
[04:21.79] 人们应该做他的子民
[04:24.54] 神灵自己也会和他们在一起
[04:28.15] 人们将会搽拭悲伤的眼泪
[04:31.46] 死亡将不会再变得那么多
[04:34.02] 既没有悲伤
[04:36.14] 也没有哭泣
[04:37.39] 也没有痛苦
[04:38.45] 永不再有
[04:39.95] 这些痛苦的事情将会随着时间慢慢消逝
[04:46.56] 对待饥民,我会分文不取
[04:50.85] 给予他们生命之水
[04:55.59] 克服了种种困难的人们应该有个这样的传统
[04:58.84] 我做了人们的上帝,人们就该做我的子民
[05:05.64] 但是对于胆小的,不忠实的和被玷污的
[05:09.45] 还有所有的杀人犯,私通,邪术师还有装神弄鬼
[05:15.81] 以及所有的谎言
[05:20.64] 都应该抛掷湖中
[05:22.20] 被烈火和硫磺燃烧殆尽
[05:30.84] 他对我说
[05:34.18] 他对我说:
[05:35.80] 不要封存预言
[05:37.99] 因为时间已经越来越近
[05:40.02] 让邪恶之人仍旧邪恶
[05:42.32] 肮脏之物仍然肮脏
[05:44.87] 正义之人仍旧实行正义
[05:47.36] 神圣仍旧神圣
[05:52.40] 我马上就来了
[05:54.81] I am the alpha and the omega我是α,ω(希腊字母的首尾字母)
[05:57.49] 首和尾
[05:59.86] 开始
[06:02.47] 和结束
[06:04.89] 阿门
[06:07.00] 你将要做什么呢
Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix) 歌词
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