I'll leave it all up to my higher power |
I forgot, i give up i forgot i give up |
Here's to you beating me wet puking |
I forgot i give up... im unlce... im daddy |
Scissors tied whip she hit me, upset |
I forgot i give up i forgot i give up |
Sad boy created a head... sad stabbed happy with a pencil |
Lectern's legato, but im the legatee of leeward lechery..... |
So-called sob story, so-called sob story sob story.... |
Tell me again about the one when you knew what I was thinking.... |
And then i kill them, eat your face, eat your face, eat your face..... |
This last chance, curled in a ball, bobbing for assholes.... |
I trip, i forget, i get up, i'm daddy.... |
Like a seed being watched won't grow... shut up and put your face back on |
Screams have achieved state of mind, no longer do i whisper |
With friends that now mean fuckers, with golden social ears, lick |
Them with my sarcasm and taste their ignorant cheers... sour. |
Salty, sweaty, sweet... nineteen levels of this forcefull thing blacker |
And never so colorfull, i am weaker and never so fit... defenseless.. |
Put me to sleep to ignore... |
Fiver years, five hours, five years, five hours, five hours, |
Thanks for another lesson well learned well... |
Like i needed more scars, cut, like i needed more scars cut... |
The blind leading the dead, leading the soon to be dead, |
Leaving the killer to careless... |
Fiver years, five hours, five years, five hours |
Five years five hours, five years, five inches wins |