It's the night of shabat |
The plenilune feast |
Rise from your mortal sleep and let your astral body glide away |
With the sacred ointment |
Plunge into the new dream |
Follow the way of the secret life |
Silently graze archaic dimensions |
On water and over wind |
The god of woods call his sons, |
Enraptured by his power, |
Follow the divine melody |
The magic key. |
Penetrate the forest's heart and be led to the sabbath, |
Till the flight's end. |
Vivid flares flashing in darkness are reflected |
In the owl's fixed eyes. |
Walk along the hidden paths |
Nine kinds of wood nourish fire and fire marks your destination |
It reveals the glade |
And the walnut you knew through the deer's eyes |
Maleventum |
A long black robe appears among the trees |
His gaze lighted upon the moon |
His barbarian hymn hails to the moon |
Nine words of nine letters thunder in silence |
And the night's star reveals its secret nature.(hi)s shout opens the black diamond doorsthe circle holds on tight to himthe old chant sing out.. |
Palas Aron |
OzimonasBaske |
Bano Tudan |
DonasGeheamel |
Cla OrlayBerec he pantaras tay. |