Joshua Giraffe

Joshua Giraffe 歌词

歌曲 Joshua Giraffe
歌手 Raffi
专辑 Baby Beluga
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Joshua Giraffe was born in a zoo
He lived there, too, for two years
And a half he hasn't had a bath
My mommy doesn't lick me
Even when
I'm sticky from
Candy floss, candy apples, popcorn
Soft drinks, jelly beans and gumdrops
And there must be something better
Than living in this cage
But I'm really not to sure
Because I'm really short of age
Joshua Giraffe was feeling kind of sad
Things were going bad
How little of life he had
Wasting away with no room to play
Trapped in a zoo with buffalo, too
So he went next door to the elephant
And asked him what to do
I'm wasting away with no room to play
I'm trapped in a zoom with buffalo, too
The elephant was very old and gray
And he had a huge balloon bottom
He said, Never fear
JoshuaA vision will appear
That night a dream came to
Joshua and
Joshua saw animals, like crazy monkeys
And a whole pile of
And flitty moths, moths size twelve
And sleazy lizards
And a tribe of nasty saviars
But Joshua wasn't afraid
Because he sang himself this song
Nothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoEven in his dream he knew
He'd never get away
Not even for a day
Then a peanut hit him on the nose
Joshua Giraffe was back in the zoo
What could he do
Awakened from his dream
He'd never be the same
Because of what he'd seen
He'd seenAlligators, crocodiles, tree sloth
Anacondas, cobras and
Large winged moths
Orangatangs, baboons eating grapes
Gibbons, rude mandrills and just plain apes
But Joshua was lucky
He had some special friends
And that day they went to the zoo
But he was up tight so they waited till the night
And they chopped his cage in two
He discovered he could fly and
He soared into the sky with them
Wrapped around his neck
And they haven't come back yet
So if you see them get a net
That's right, they haven't come back yet
But when they do, they say they are
Going to free all the animals from their cages
No matter how new or modern
Even some pets, too
So if on your way home today
You happen to find
A baboon basking in the balcony
Or a lion licking a lemon in the lobby
Or a python perched in the pantry
A wildebeest in the
W.CWith a turtle twirling in your tub
Don't be afraid, just say your a friend
Of their friend
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
[00:19:300] “我妈妈不舔我...
[00:22:300] 即使因为那些
[00:27:000] 棉花糖啊苹果糖啊(裹着糖的苹果)爆米花啊
[00:29:200] 汽水啊果冻豆啊橡皮软糖啊
[00:32:100] 这个世界上肯定有比住在笼子里
[00:34:500] 更美好的东西吧
[00:36:500] 但是其实我不太确定啦
[00:40:000] 我还是太小的一只长颈鹿了
[00:44:000] 小约书亚不太开心
[00:48:000] 很多事情都不是太好
[00:48:300] 鹿生太短,笼子又太小
[00:51:300] 日渐瘦弱,无所事事,根本没有地方让他好好玩
[00:56:000] 被困在有水牛池子的动物园里
[01:01:000] 所以他跑去旁边的大象那里
[01:04:000] 问:“我该怎么办呀
[01:06:500] 你看 我没有地方玩 还越来越瘦弱了
[01:10:000] 我还被关在这个有水牛池子的动物园里
[01:18:000] 灰色的大象已经很老很老了
[01:22:000] 还有个超大的大象屁股
[01:29:000] 他说:“约书亚,你会看到幻像
[01:32:500] 你不要害怕
[01:43:000] 约书亚在那天晚上做了一个梦
[01:53:000] 他看到好多好多动物,比如疯狂的猴子
[02:00:000] 还有一大群嬉皮士大河马
[02:10:000] 还有脂粉气的飞蛾
[02:16:000] 腰围71cm臀围97.79cm的超超大青蛙
[02:25:000] 还有邋遢的懒惰蜥蜴
[02:31:000] 还有一族成群狩猎掠夺旅行者的超长体毛野蛮人
[02:41:500] 但是我们的小约书亚一点都不害怕
[02:43:000] 他给自己唱了一首歌
[02:48:000] 我可是在刚果哎,没有任何事情会出问题的
[03:03:000] 但是即使是在梦里他也知道
[03:05:200] 他永远没有办法离开这里,就算一天也不可能
[03:08:000] 接着,一颗花生敲中了他的鼻子
[03:14:000] 小约书亚回过神,发现自己又回到了动物园里
[03:18:300] 他又能做什么呢
[03:19:000] 从那个梦里醒来
[03:22:500] 他再也不是以前的小约书亚了
[03:24:200] 因为那些他见过的事物
[03:27:500] 他看到了那些
[03:29:200] 短吻鳄,大鳄鱼,树懒
[03:32:000] 森蚺,眼镜蛇,大翅膀的扑楞蛾子
[03:35:000] 在吃葡萄的猩猩和狒狒
[03:40:000] 长臂猿,粗鲁的山魈,还有普通的猿
[03:47:000] 但是小约书亚是一只幸运的长颈鹿
[03:49:500] 他有一些特别的朋友
[03:51:000] 有一天,那些朋友来到动物园里
[03:54:000] 不过约书亚太紧张了,所以他们等到了晚上
[03:56:400] 他们把约书亚的笼子劈成了两半!
[03:59:000] 约书亚发现自己会飞
[04:01:400] 所以他咻一声和他们一起飞上了高空
[04:06:300] 自由的空气缠绕在他的颈部
[04:09:000] 到现在为止,他们还没有回来过
[04:13:000] 所以如果你看到他们,快去拿一张大网
[04:48:000] 对啦!他们还没有回来过!
[04:51:000] 不过他们说,如果他们再回来,他们要把所有的动物都从笼子里放出来
[04:56:000] 无论它们有多新有多现代
[04:58:400] 说不定还会放一些宠物出来喔!
[05:00:000] 所以如果你今天在回家的路上
[05:02:300] You happen to find恰好看见...
[05:03:500] 一只狒狒在阳台上享受着日光浴
[05:07:000] 或者是一只在大堂舔柠檬的大狮子
[05:11:000] 或者是在视频储藏室栖息的蟒蛇
[05:16:000] 或者是在洗手间里的牛羚
[05:18:200] 或者是在你的洗手盆里转圈圈的乌龟
[05:20:500] 不要害怕喔!你只要说自己是他们朋友的朋友就好啦!
[05:23:500] 长颈鹿约书亚,约书亚,约书亚
[00:10.500] 约书亚是只长颈鹿
[00:13.500] 住在他出生的动物园里
[00:15.000] 已经两年半没有洗过澡了!
Joshua Giraffe 歌词
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