Joshua Giraffe

歌曲 Joshua Giraffe
歌手 Raffi
专辑 Baby Beluga


Joshua Giraffe was born in a zoo
He lived there, too, for two years
And a half he hasn't had a bath
My mommy doesn't lick me
Even when
I'm sticky from
Candy floss, candy apples, popcorn
Soft drinks, jelly beans and gumdrops
And there must be something better
Than living in this cage
But I'm really not to sure
Because I'm really short of age
Joshua Giraffe was feeling kind of sad
Things were going bad
How little of life he had
Wasting away with no room to play
Trapped in a zoo with buffalo, too
So he went next door to the elephant
And asked him what to do
I'm wasting away with no room to play
I'm trapped in a zoom with buffalo, too
The elephant was very old and gray
And he had a huge balloon bottom
He said, Never fear
JoshuaA vision will appear
That night a dream came to
Joshua and
Joshua saw animals, like crazy monkeys
And a whole pile of
And flitty moths, moths size twelve
And sleazy lizards
And a tribe of nasty saviars
But Joshua wasn't afraid
Because he sang himself this song
Nothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoNothing can go wrong-o
I'm in the
CongoEven in his dream he knew
He'd never get away
Not even for a day
Then a peanut hit him on the nose
Joshua Giraffe was back in the zoo
What could he do
Awakened from his dream
He'd never be the same
Because of what he'd seen
He'd seenAlligators, crocodiles, tree sloth
Anacondas, cobras and
Large winged moths
Orangatangs, baboons eating grapes
Gibbons, rude mandrills and just plain apes
But Joshua was lucky
He had some special friends
And that day they went to the zoo
But he was up tight so they waited till the night
And they chopped his cage in two
He discovered he could fly and
He soared into the sky with them
Wrapped around his neck
And they haven't come back yet
So if you see them get a net
That's right, they haven't come back yet
But when they do, they say they are
Going to free all the animals from their cages
No matter how new or modern
Even some pets, too
So if on your way home today
You happen to find
A baboon basking in the balcony
Or a lion licking a lemon in the lobby
Or a python perched in the pantry
A wildebeest in the
W.CWith a turtle twirling in your tub
Don't be afraid, just say your a friend
Of their friend
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua
Joshua Giraffe,
Joshua, Joshua, woo hoo


[00:19:300] " wǒ mā mā bù tiǎn wǒ...
[00:22:300] jí shǐ yīn wèi nèi xiē
[00:27:000] mián huā táng a píng guǒ táng a guǒ zhe táng de píng guǒ bào mǐ huā a
[00:29:200] qì shuǐ a guǒ dòng dòu a xiàng pí ruǎn táng a
[00:32:100] zhè gè shì jiè shang kěn dìng yǒu bǐ zhù zài lóng zi lǐ
[00:34:500] gèng měi hǎo de dōng xī ba
[00:36:500] dàn shì qí shí wǒ bù tài què dìng la
[00:40:000] wǒ hái shì tài xiǎo de yì zhī cháng jǐng lù le
[00:44:000] xiǎo yuē shū yà bù tài kāi xīn
[00:48:000] hěn duō shì qíng dōu bú shì tài hǎo
[00:48:300] lù shēng tài duǎn, lóng zi yòu tài xiǎo
[00:51:300] rì jiàn shòu ruò, wú suǒ shì shì, gēn běn méi yǒu dì fāng ràng tā hǎo hǎo wán
[00:56:000] bèi kùn zài yǒu shuǐ niú chí zi de dòng wù yuán lǐ
[01:01:000] suǒ yǐ tā pǎo qù páng biān de dà xiàng nà lǐ
[01:04:000] wèn:" wǒ gāi zěn me bàn ya
[01:06:500] nǐ kàn wǒ méi yǒu dì fāng wán hái yuè lái yuè shòu ruò le
[01:10:000] wǒ hái bèi guān zài zhè gè yǒu shuǐ niú chí zi de dòng wù yuán lǐ
[01:18:000] huī sè de dà xiàng yǐ jīng hěn lǎo hěn lǎo le
[01:22:000] hái yǒu gè chāo dà de dà xiàng pì gǔ
[01:29:000] tā shuō:" yuē shū yà, nǐ huì kàn dào huàn xiàng
[01:32:500] nǐ bú yào hài pà
[01:43:000] yuē shū yà zài nà tiān wǎn shàng zuò le yí gè mèng
[01:53:000] tā kàn dào hǎo duō hǎo duō dòng wù, bǐ rú fēng kuáng de hóu zi
[02:00:000] hái yǒu yī dà qún xī pí shì dà hé mǎ
[02:10:000] hái yǒu zhī fěn qì de fēi é
[02:16:000] yāo wéi 71cm tún wéi 97. 79cm de chāo chāo dà qīng wā
[02:25:000] hái yǒu lā tà de lǎn duò xī yì
[02:31:000] hái yǒu yī zú chéng qún shòu liè lüè duó lǚ xíng zhě de chāo zhǎng tǐ máo yě mán rén
[02:41:500] dàn shì wǒ men de xiǎo yuē shū yà yì diǎn dōu bù hài pà
[02:43:000] tā gěi zì jǐ chàng le yī shǒu gē
[02:48:000] wǒ kě shì zài gāng guǒ āi, méi yǒu rèn hé shì qíng huì chū wèn tí de
[03:03:000] dàn shì jí shǐ shì zài mèng lǐ tā yě zhī dào
[03:05:200] tā yǒng yuǎn méi yǒu bàn fǎ lí kāi zhè lǐ, jiù suàn yì tiān yě bù kě néng
[03:08:000] jiē zhe, yī kē huā shēng qiāo zhōng le tā de bí zi
[03:14:000] xiǎo yuē shū yà huí guò shén, fā xiàn zì jǐ yòu huí dào le dòng wù yuán lǐ
[03:18:300] tā yòu néng zuò shí mǒ ne
[03:19:000] cóng nà gè mèng lǐ xǐng lái
[03:22:500] tā zài yě bú shì yǐ qián de xiǎo yuē shū yà le
[03:24:200] yīn wèi nèi xiē tā jiàn guò de shì wù
[03:27:500] tā kàn dào le nèi xiē
[03:29:200] duǎn wěn è, dà è yú, shù lǎn
[03:32:000] sēn rán, yǎn jìng shé, dà chì bǎng de pū léng é zi
[03:35:000] zài chī pú táo de xīng xīng hé fèi fèi
[03:40:000] cháng bì yuán, cū lǔ de shān xiāo, hái yǒu pǔ tōng de yuán
[03:47:000] dàn shì xiǎo yuē shū yà shì yì zhī xìng yùn de cháng jǐng lù
[03:49:500] tā yǒu yī xiē tè bié de péng yǒu
[03:51:000] yǒu yì tiān, nèi xiē péng yǒu lái dào dòng wù yuán lǐ
[03:54:000] bù guò yuē shū yà tài jǐn zhāng le, suǒ yǐ tā men děng dào le wǎn shàng
[03:56:400] tā men bǎ yuē shū yà de lóng zi pǐ chéng le liǎng bàn!
[03:59:000] yuē shū yà fā xiàn zì jǐ huì fēi
[04:01:400] suǒ yǐ tā xiū yī shēng hé tā men yì qǐ fēi shàng le gāo kōng
[04:06:300] zì yóu de kōng qì chán rào zài tā de jǐng bù
[04:09:000] dào xiàn zài wéi zhǐ, tā men hái méi yǒu huí lái guò
[04:13:000] suǒ yǐ rú guǒ nǐ kàn dào tā men, kuài qù ná yī zhāng dà wǎng
[04:48:000] duì la! tā men hái méi yǒu huí lái guò!
[04:51:000] bù guò tā men shuō, rú guǒ tā men zài huí lái, tā men yào bǎ suǒ yǒu de dòng wù dōu cóng lóng zi lǐ fàng chū lái
[04:56:000] wú lùn tā men yǒu duō xīn yǒu duō xiàn dài
[04:58:400] shuō bù dìng hái huì fàng yī xiē chǒng wù chū lái ō!
[05:00:000] suǒ yǐ rú guǒ nǐ jīn tiān zài huí jiā de lù shàng
[05:02:300] You happen to find qià hǎo kàn jiàn...
[05:03:500] yì zhī fèi fèi zài yáng tái shàng xiǎng shòu zhe rì guāng yù
[05:07:000] huò zhě shì yì zhī zài dà táng tiǎn níng méng de dà shī zi
[05:11:000] huò zhě shì zài shì pín chǔ cáng shì qī xī de mǎng shé
[05:16:000] huò zhě shì zài xǐ shǒu jiān lǐ de niú líng
[05:18:200] huò zhě shì zài nǐ de xǐ shǒu pén lǐ zhuàn quān quān de wū guī
[05:20:500] bú yào hài pà ō! nǐ zhǐ yào shuō zì jǐ shì tā men péng yǒu de péng yǒu jiù hǎo la!
[05:23:500] cháng jǐng lù yuē shū yà, yuē shū yà, yuē shū yà
[00:10.500] yuē shū yà shì zhǐ cháng jǐng lù
[00:13.500] zhù zài tā chū shēng de dòng wù yuán lǐ
[00:15.000] yǐ jīng liǎng nián bàn méi yǒu xǐ guò zǎo le!