Braggin & Boasting

Braggin & Boasting 歌词

歌曲 Braggin & Boasting
歌手 The Sound Providers
专辑 An Evening With The Sound Providers
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Verse 1: ~Phonte~]
[00:02.80] Another day up in these labels of rap
[00:04.51] And you're a battle MC who swears that your style is flavorly phat
[00:07.68] Can't wait to hit the studio disabling tracks
[00:10.23] So everyone can hear your shit on they turntables and DATS
[00:12.87] You put your, single out so now you layin' it back
[00:15.46] Cause now everybody's sayin', "Yo son, your name on the map"
[00:18.22] And everybody's actin' crazy in fact
[00:19.92] Hoes be sweatin' your gear
[00:22.34] And askin' shit like, "What fragrance is that?"
[00:23.50] But that's the life you live
[00:24.70] Great sex with your admirers
[00:26.20] Cause your album's in the deck of everybody's Iowa
[00:28.63] But prior to, all the props and all the street buzz
[00:30.73] Nobody in your neighborhood could give a fuck who you was
[00:33.77] Because
[00:34.37] They don't love you
[00:35.15] They love what you stand for
[00:36.61] The car you drive and the loot you got your hands on
[00:39.32] That shit could end in a minute
[00:41.32] Any minute
[00:42.20] And then your driveway won't have all them Bentley's in it
[00:44.29] And wine glass won't have all that Remy in it
[00:47.50] No video shoots with Hype and P. Diddy in it
[00:49.54] So don't get caught up in the fame and applause
[00:52.10] And brainless awards
[00:53.47] Next year they ain't gonna want you no more
[00:54.57] Check it out now
[00:55.83][01:06.80][02:10.42][02:20.54] Rappers always be braggin' and boastin' (boastin')
[00:57.56][01:07.80][02:12.36][02:22.46] But then they fall off like Billy Ocean
[01:00.40][02:14.63] They play the fall guy for they claim to fame
[01:02.19][02:16.92] It's just the same old shit, it's just the names that change
[01:11.20] Yes sir. Welcome to the Yama Rocka Lounge. I'm here to park your car
[01:15.10] YEAH!
[01:15.68] Ayo yo it's game time
[01:16.61] Time to stop these niggas lame with the rhymes
[01:17.79] They rhymes be full of one lines
[01:19.11] And one line proves to be too many
[01:22.35] And too many proves to be plenty for me to disregard
[01:25.49] Bout tired of givin' cats fake head bobs and nods
[01:28.16] Listen to their squad's boys front to be hard
[01:30.68] And hood D's
[01:31.50] Held respect like wood leaves in the park
[01:33.93] Shedding tears when it's after three
[01:35.84] After me
[01:36.67] Anything left is tragedy
[01:38.57] Wipe out your team cause I stay past three
[01:41.90] On the Richter
[01:41.81] Only AIDS patients stay sicker
[01:43.66] You must be drunk of the liquor
[01:45.67] Cause Pooh is a chaser and I hate that pain in major
[01:48.80] Give a fuck about y'all cause your label is major
[01:51.39] And your image
[01:53.69] Man, they got you lustin' the doe
[01:56.78] We're gonna see where your love is when you're facin' the flo'
[01:58.85] And somebody's four pound tucked, ready to blow
[02:01.50] And you surrounded by faces that you don't really know
[02:04.60] Got your life flashin' fast and you wish it would slow
[02:06.86] That's why I love the beats and I lust the flow
[02:07.67] So now you know
[02:29.23] "Braggin' and boastin', boastin' and braggin'" - The Pharcyde 'Y?'
[02:30.25] "Cash in your check, cause it's the last one you get" - Gang Starr 'Here Today, Gone Tomorrow'
[02:48.40] "The tables have turned and you ain't in effect" - Gang Starr 'Here Today, Gone Tomorrow'
[02:49.20] Ladies and gentlemen, now coming to the stage, the main event
[02:50.86] Doing some of Billy Ocean's greatest hits. Percy Miracles and the Blue Vibrations
[03:08.86][02:53.53] Get out of my dreams
[03:11.90][02:55.69] Get into my car
[03:34.57] Yeah, yeah yeah y'all. To all y'all rappers, thinkin' y'all hot right now
[03:40.47] When you fall off, I'm sayin', this what you're gonna be doin'
[03:44.13] You gonna be in a lounge in Vegas somewhere. Doin', doin' hit. You know what I'm sayin'?
[03:49.42] Doin' the old cover joints. So always, always, always be thankful for what you got
[03:55.82][04:00.44] Like that y'all. It's like this y'all. It's Little Brother, Sound Providers don't quit y'all
[00:02.80] 又一天在厂牌落脚 消磨时光
[00:04.51] 你是另一个的哪一个Battle MC发誓说你的曲子可以给我们添光添彩
[00:07.68] 等不及去录音室 把你的带子拼拼补补
[00:10.23] 让大众勉强能欣赏这份“风格迥异” 在黑胶播放机和随身听上点击播放
[00:12.87] 各抒己见吧 再把你单出来 现在要打退堂鼓了?
[00:15.46] 多半是人群中传出:" 小伙子,你代表着地图中的我们。”
[00:18.22] 不得不说啊 大家都褪下了最初的腼腆
[00:19.92] 那些女孩们争抢上身你的“从头到脚”
[00:22.34] 然后询问那些无关紧要的细节 “那香水是哪款啊啊啊啊啊!"
[00:23.50] 这是你自定义的活法 不是嘛?
[00:24.70] 和你的追随者们享受极致的纵情交欢
[00:26.20] 只因你的专辑陈列在大体受众的AIWA牌播音机中呢
[00:28.63] 但是积聚在街头巷陌的形形色色中
[00:30.73] 才不在乎你是哪位爷呢 无一例外的
[00:33.77] 大概是因为以下:
[00:34.37] 与他们坠入爱河的不是你
[00:35.15] 你所代表的那些 让他们嗅着了甜头
[00:36.61] 上街的天价豪车 和经过你手的“金子”
[00:39.32] 虚幻的热潮 随时都可能冷却
[00:41.32] “3! 2! 1!” 消散如烟
[00:42.20] 不久你前门的宾利也不曾常驻
[00:44.29] 高脚杯中的人头马也日渐蒸发殆尽
[00:47.50] 拍摄的日程中 Hype 和 P. Diddy 不见踪迹
[00:49.54] 人生忠告 千万别让名誉和掌声盯上你的动脉
[00:52.10] 还有冲你人来的奖项们
[00:53.47] 明年年初你就会是“二手货”
[00:54.57] 听仔细!
[00:55.83] 我们这些家伙啊 总在自吹自擂着
[00:57.56] 却无一不像Billy Ocean似的 "日落西山“
[01:00.40] 渴望曝光的咎由自取 自甘堕落的角色扮演
[01:02.19] 昨日重现的老调子 雅号不同的一个个
[01:06.80] 我们这些家伙啊 总在自吹自擂着
[01:07.80] 却无一不像Billy Ocean似的 "日落西山“
[01:11.20] 你好先生 欢迎来到Yama Rocka酒吧 我是你的车童
[01:15.10] “好极了!”
[01:15.68] “啊哈 又到了快乐的游戏时光!”
[01:16.61] “又到了那段那段 让模仿犯们都乖乖噤声的时光!”
[01:17.79] 他们用韵脚都不带更新换代
[01:19.11] 说你们重复一句都不够格
[01:22.35] 不够格就活该被我埋汰
[01:25.49] 就快厌烦了给这些毛毛狗狗的赞同与认可
[01:28.16] 成群结对的小孩子 展示着混迹街头岁月带来的
[01:30.68] 历经沉沦的态度和江湖气
[01:31.50] 要么尊敬前人种下的参天大树
[01:33.93] 要么深夜三点 独自酒吧买醉
[01:35.84] 在我饕餮过后
[01:36.67] 剩下的残渣全归你
[01:38.57] 听到三点后我包场 你的狐朋狗友也把你抛下
[01:41.81] 笃信自己病入膏肓的家伙才会日益消瘦
[01:41.90] 在好日子刚敲门的时刻!
[01:43.66] 是被酒精吃了脑子吧你
[01:45.67] “和你‘梦中情人’的关系中将要占据痛苦的主导位?”
[01:48.80] 我可不关系他们主流歌手的点点滴滴和
[01:51.39] 还有你的 “公众形象”
[01:53.69] 兄弟 那群人把你捧成了寻欢的兔子
[01:56.78] 就想看看你的‘新欢’花落谁家
[01:58.85] 是哪位风流女孩 还是那根‘销量最佳’
[02:01.50] 最后环绕在你身边的面孔没一个熟人
[02:04.60] 人生像快门般闪烁 你想要它拍慢点 不是嘛
[02:06.86] 这就是为何我爱的只有非碳的音轨和言语的停停顿顿
[02:07.67] “现在你明白了吧”
[02:10.42] 我们这些家伙啊 总在自吹自擂着
[02:12.36] 却无一不像Billy Ocean似的 "日落西山“
[02:14.63] 渴望曝光的咎由自取 自甘堕落的角色扮演
[02:16.92] 昨日重现的老调子 雅号不同的又一个
[02:20.54] 我们这些家伙啊 总在自吹自擂着
[02:22.46] 却无一不像Billy Ocean似的 "日落西山“
[02:29.23] (以下是搓碟环节); 自吹自擂 自吹自擂-出自 “The Pharcyde 'Y?”(同时代乐队/单曲名称)
[02:30.25] “兑了你的支票吧,这是最后一张喽。”出自-Gang Starr(同时代乐队名称)'Here Today, Gone Tomorrow'(同时代单曲名称)
[02:48.40] “风向标转了你却丝毫不受影响呢”出自-Gang Starr(同时代乐队名称)'Here Today, Gone Tomorrow'(同时代单曲名称)
[02:49.20] 女士们 先生们 接下来为你呈现的是 今夜的大戏
[02:50.86] 由Billy Ocean为你带来 Percy Miracles 与 Blue Vibrations这两个大热单
[02:53.53] 爬出我的梦
[02:55.69] 滚进我的车
[03:08.86] 爬出我的梦
[03:11.90] 滚进我的车
[03:34.57] 是啊 没错 你们这些 rappers都认为自己是炙手可热的抢手货
[03:40.47] 当你无人问津 你们的下场就不用我再复述了吧
[03:44.13] 流落到拉斯维加斯的某个小酒馆 唱你那一两个的热单
[03:49.42] 烟卷都是陈年老货 所以 千万 一定要 珍惜你现在所拥有的
[03:55.82] 说东说西 说这说那 这是 Little Brother, Sound Providers 就别退出呢
[04:00.44] 说你说我 说他和她 这是 Little Brother, Sound Providers 你们继续啊
Braggin & Boasting 歌词
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