A mime stands upon the gallows for a crime he did not do |
When given the last chance to speak he remains true |
A crowd of hundreds has gathered to see his last performance knowing he will not talk |
The mime takes from the sky the circles of bright spheres |
Lays them on the table |
Expressing deep love for the companionship and guidance they have given him |
For so many years |
He removes his heart from his body |
And seems to arouse all life on this splendid earth |
With such a sacred tenderness |
There for an extraordinary moment it looked like someone was giving birth to the |
Christ again |
He mounts his soul upon the body of freedom |
And grave breeze comes by |
And the sun and the moon join hands |
And they bow so gracefully |
For a moment |
For a moment |
Everyone knows that |
God is real |
That God is real |