History of Erendil : The Fall of Gondolin

History of Erendil : The Fall of Gondolin 歌词

歌曲 History of Erendil : The Fall of Gondolin
歌手 Ainur
专辑 From Ancient Times
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[00:16.620] Predestined to become the hope
[00:21.330] Of all in the drear time
[00:25.080] The time when feast changed into tears
[00:29.040] And grandness into slime
[00:33.440] He went to the forbidden gate
[00:37.440] Of Gondolin the great
[00:41.480] To warn the king against the doom
[00:45.140] Brought forth by pride and hate
[00:49.670] Stranger from the Great Sea
[00:51.920] From a far-off shore
[00:53.960] Where the rocks have voices
[00:55.980] And the waves are hoar
[00:58.000] An obscure enigma
[00:59.900] He will come at last
[01:01.910] Speaking the deep language
[01:04.040] Of a buried past
[01:06.530] The vigour of the human race
[01:10.310] Is gathered in his form
[01:13.700] And he sounds like the symphony
[01:18.860] Of waves after the storm
[01:22.040] Stranger from the Great Sea
[01:24.300] From a far-off shore
[01:26.360] Where the rocks have voices
[01:28.390] And the waves are hoar
[01:30.540] An obscure enigma
[01:32.410] He will come at last
[01:34.590] Speaking the deep language
[01:36.650] Of a buried past
[02:13.180] Nobody knows
[02:16.400] What road will lead you there
[02:20.050] Tales of something
[02:22.740] That seems to be nowhere
[02:24.720] A cherished secret
[02:28.990] That the mountains screen
[02:32.860] A guarded treasure
[02:34.740] Never to be seen
[02:37.930] In the valley the rivers sing
[02:41.110] Light-winged legend carried by the wind
[02:45.660] Fleeing flicker, immaterial sound
[02:49.690] Hidden city, when will you be found
[03:04.080] The dazzling brightness
[03:07.400] Of marble and of gold
[03:11.570] Marvel of marvels
[03:15.420] So hard to behold
[03:19.920] End of the rainbow
[03:23.330] Dreamed of from afar
[03:27.270] Vanishing image
[03:31.300] Of a falling star
[03:58.590] Hopeless memory of a long-loved thing
[04:01.410] Song of dead leaves floating in the wind
[04:05.790] Apparition of a haunting ghost
[04:10.990] Hidden city, found and lost
[04:37.260] Attacking the unconscious city
[04:40.890] Invading it unawares
[04:42.580] They came over hills and ramparts
[04:45.590] They went up the vast, white stairs
[04:50.120] And that was a night of shrieking
[04:53.140] And summer changed into death
[04:54.980] A welter of black confusion
[04:58.960] The fierce blast of dragons' breath
[05:24.940] Gondolin, Gondolin, proud and wondrous
[05:28.800] Treason has woken within your walls
[05:41.740] No weapon could stop the slaughter
[05:43.980] No hand could avert the stroke
[05:48.180] The ruin of falling bulwarks
[05:53.090] The spirals of strangling smoke
[05:56.170] Distraction and desperation
[06:00.000] Enfolding the happy plain
[06:04.500] The jealously guarded kingdom
[06:08.980] Brought down by the ruthless bane
[06:13.660] The end of the long illusion
[06:17.600] Catastrophe of the land
[06:21.910] Where centuries of seclusion
[06:26.310] Were useless against Hell's band
[06:31.150] The city beyond the mountains
[06:34.960] Collapsed like a tower of glass
[06:39.380] And ceased like the short-lived echo
[06:45.710] Of beautiful things that pass
[07:00.830] And greedy ivy is all that grows now
[07:06.120] Among the rubble of tumbling halls
[07:27.760] The lives of Elves and Men
[07:30.760] Entwined are in his destiny
[07:33.800] And in his eyes the wistful gaze
[07:38.250] Into infinity
[07:59.970] The lives of Elves and Men
[08:02.950] Entwined are in his destiny
[08:06.180] And in his eyes the wistful gaze
[08:10.910] Into infinity
[08:19.620] And in the end the city fell.
[08:26.800] Its streets were filled with the might of Morgoth's monstrous
[08:31.150] creatures: wolves, Orcs and Balrogs wandered around,
[08:36.520] spreading fire and death. And in the very square of the King,
[08:41.570] Ecthelion of the Fountain engaged a deadly battle with Gothmog lord
[08:47.040] of Balrogs, where each killed the other. Then,
[08:53.250] by the pass called the Eagles' Cleft,
[08:55.990] the fugitives from Gondolin were ambushed by Orcs;
[08:59.280] and a Balrog was with them.
[09:01.570] They were only saved by the courage of Glorfindel
[09:05.810] the golden-haired, whose valour lives on in Elfish songs
[00:16.620] 他注定成为众人的希望
[00:21.330] 在那黯淡无光
[00:25.080] 欢宴化做泪水
[00:29.040] 荣光归于尘泥的时刻
[00:33.440] 他来到宏伟之城贡多林
[00:37.440] 七重禁门前
[00:41.480] 警示那与命运抗争的君王
[00:45.140] 身负骄傲与仇恨
[00:49.670] 陌客自大海
[00:51.920] 远岸而来
[00:53.960] 彼地礁岩低吟
[00:55.980] 海浪泛白
[00:58.000] 晦涩谜语预言
[00:59.900] 他终将到来
[01:01.910] 口出尘封旧日里的
[01:04.040] 深奥之言
[01:06.530] 人类的生机
[01:10.310] 焕发于其身
[01:13.700] 他开口犹似
[01:18.860] 风暴席卷后海浪交响
[01:22.040] 陌客自大海
[01:24.300] 远岸而来
[01:26.360] 彼地礁岩低吟
[01:28.390] 海浪泛白
[01:30.540] 晦涩谜语预言
[01:32.410] 他终将到来
[01:34.590] 口出尘封旧日里的
[01:36.650] 深奥之言
[02:13.180] 无人知晓
[02:16.400] 何路引你向彼地
[02:20.050] 模糊传说
[02:22.740] 似已无从考证
[02:24.720] 那珍贵的机密
[02:28.990] 引向群山掩映中
[02:32.860] 那被严守的
[02:34.740] 隐匿宝藏
[02:37.930] 山谷之中河流欢唱
[02:41.110] 传奇随风轻快徜徉
[02:45.660] 流逝之光,缥缈之声
[02:49.690] 隐匿之城,何以寻访?
[03:04.080] 黄金岩石
[03:07.400] 光华夺目
[03:11.570] 那非凡中的奇迹
[03:15.420] 令人目不暇接
[03:19.920] 彩虹末端
[03:23.330] 遥远梦境里
[03:27.270] 流星残影
[03:31.300] 幻象消逝
[03:58.590] 如同久慕之物残存下无望的记忆
[04:01.410] 枯叶之歌遗响风里
[04:05.790] 残像如同鬼魅般萦绕心底
[04:10.990] 隐匿之城,无从寻觅
[04:37.260] 攻其不备
[04:40.890] 出其不意
[04:42.580] 敌人翻山越岭击破城墙
[04:45.590] 循着白梯长阶而至
[04:50.120] 夜色中 哭喊不止
[04:53.140] 夏日凋零消逝
[04:54.980] 黑暗混乱充斥
[04:58.960] 狂烈龙息猛击
[05:24.940] 贡多林,贡多林,昨日奇迹与荣光
[05:28.800] 城墙中背叛已被唤醒
[05:41.740] 兵甲利刃无法终止浩劫
[05:43.980] 精灵之手无法阻挡攻击
[05:48.180] 墙垒倾颓
[05:53.090] 浓烟旋升
[05:56.170] 萎靡与绝望
[06:00.000] 环绕着昨日乐土
[06:04.500] 曾被严守的国度
[06:08.980] 毁于无情灾祸
[06:13.660] 长乐景象休止
[06:17.600] 国土末日降临
[06:21.910] 数个纪元的隐藏
[06:26.310] 无法与罪恶相抗
[06:31.150] 隐匿山中之城
[06:34.960] 坍如玻璃之塔
[06:39.380] 如同至美之物
[06:45.710] 的回响般转瞬即逝
[07:00.830] 废墟之上唯有藤蔓疯长
[07:06.120] 缠绕着颓墙碎岩
[07:27.760] 精灵与人类
[07:30.760] 命运皆系与他身
[07:33.800] 他双眸盛满感伤
[07:38.250] 永无止境地蔓延
[07:59.970] 精灵与人类
[08:02.950] 命运皆系于他身
[08:06.180] 他的双眸盛满感伤
[08:10.910] 永无止境地蔓延
[08:19.620] 最终贡多林陷落了
[08:26.800] 魔苟斯麾下的可怖生物力量盘踞在旧日街道上:
[08:31.150] 妖狼,奥克,炎魔四处游荡
[08:36.520] 火焰死亡恣肆
[08:41.570] 王之广场上,涌泉家族的埃克赛里昂与炎魔之首勾斯魔格殊死较量
[08:47.040] 他们最终同归于尽
[08:53.250] 此后,在一个被称为鹰之裂罅的隘口
[08:55.990] 贡多林的逃亡者们
[08:59.280] 被众多奥克与一只炎魔伏击,
[09:01.570] 金发的格洛芬德尔的勇武使他们得以逃脱
[09:05.810] 他的英勇事迹在精灵歌谣中被永世传颂
History of Erendil : The Fall of Gondolin 歌词
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