Vivum Excoriari

歌曲 Vivum Excoriari
歌手 Brodequin
专辑 Festival of Death


[00:16.11] Did you see the way
[00:17.713] that Brian come to work yesterday
[00:19.374] Ever since
[00:20.882] he come back from that comference in Silicon Valley
[00:23.657] he's been coming to work dressed
[00:25.337] in jeans and sweatshirts
[00:26.458] It's like he's decide to make himself
[00:29.196] at home in his office
[00:31.153] I don't know how long
[00:32.551] it'll take before the management
[00:34.129] talks to him about it
[00:36.01] He was really influenced
[00:37.59] by the way they do things on the west coast
[00:39.838] I guess the working atmosphere
[00:41.161] is a lot more relaxed and casual in California
[00:44.529] It comes from the information
[00:46.226] technology industry
[00:48.120] there isn't such a large
[00:49.620] division between home and office
[00:51.832] so people want to work in the clothes
[00:54.433] they feel most relaxed in
[00:56.17] Maybe so
[00:56.770] but it seems kind of strange
[00:59.209] with the rest of us
[01:00.519] in white shirts dark suits and ties
[01:02.893] It's not as bad as that
[01:04.905] We are allowed to wear
[01:06.989] more casual jackets and trousers
[01:09.258] Besides
[01:09.581] didn't you hear
[01:10.913] what Brain found on his desk this moring
[01:14.337] What's that
[01:15.841] Management decide to
[01:16.893] give him four brand new white shirts
[01:19.586] That's their way of telling him
[01:22.153] that this new style of dressing down
[01:24.53] is not quite acceptable
[01:38.678] Even if our company didn't have a dress code,
[01:41.344] I still think people would wear formal clothing to work.
[01:43.594] I wouldn't be so sure
[01:46.824] Pleplo want to wear what they feel most comfortable in.
[01:50.192] Maybe that's ture for some position,
[01:53.384] but I think the marketing and sales staff
[01:55.866] would definitely not agree.
[01:58.148] They dress for sucess!
[02:00.168] You can't go out on a sales call
[02:02.618] if you are dressed in jeans.
[02:04.593] It's just not respectful to your clients.
[02:07.440] I think what you wear is so overrated.
[02:09.384] I would rather have a down-to-earth,
[02:12.529] honest and solid sales person than a painted,
[02:15.312] patent leather,designer suit salesman.
[02:18.242] It's not as simple as that.
[02:20.866] People judge you by your appearence,
[02:23.120] whether you like it or not.
[02:25.399] So dressing professional is being professional.
[02:28.275] The image that
[02:29.212] you portray to other is so important in business.
[02:32.808] It is your image and how others perceive you that
[02:35.992] makes the difference between landing or loosing a sle.
[02:39.568] Maybe you're right,
[02:41.192] but I'll take my sneakers and jeans any day!