Flame (烈焰)

歌曲 Flame (烈焰)
歌手 yocho
专辑 ARK


[00:00.000] 作曲 : yocho
[00:01.000] 作词 : yocho
[00:17.550] 编曲:yocho
[00:39.820] Spinning in the circle
[00:41.640] 莫比乌斯环一样的shadow (阴影)
[00:43.130] 从不会去follow(遵循)
[00:44.520] Ain’t rid of the sorrow
[00:46.050] Ain’t be the roll model
[00:47.270] 依然会选择去吞下那bottle(毒药)
[00:49.290] 死而复生那是谁
[00:50.820] 潜伏在每个人背后骄纵的鬼
[00:53.140] 就算烧成灰 we all gonna play (我们都要经历)
[00:55.480] 带你领会这世界千万种迷人的罪
[00:57.990] And I call it flame
[00:59.110] 普罗米修斯带来的种子make them pray(让他们祈祷)
[01:01.200] 就算是狂风暴雨万马齐喑 从不觉得累
[01:03.890] Looking at the skyline I call it gray
[01:05.660] and tell my brother never got slaved
[01:08.100] 有一种他们没有的东西叫做brain (头脑)
[01:10.020] 也许有一天在这路上忏悔may tear off sin (尝尽罪恶)
[01:12.810] But l ain't feel pain
[01:13.640] 可能是种怜悯 促使着我前进
[01:15.560] I ain't going to kill the god
[01:16.670] just make another paradise damn
[01:18.870] We shouldn’t be ruled till we find the proof
[01:23.120] When I got nothing more to lose
[01:25.480] 是使命的结束
[01:27.140] 在迷途的中间 拼凑出偏执面
[01:31.850] 意义的浮现 机会的出现 被破碎和瓦解
[01:37.800] We can not breath in this condition
[01:40.390] So take a fly and complete our mission
[01:42.700] No matter get lost on this ship or depression
[01:45.090] We take it like silk drop out of the conclusion
[01:47.580] 向死而生却憎恨生命 或是变成creature(野兽)面目如此狰狞
[01:51.520] 打破这诺亚方舟般的梦境
[01:53.540] Kill the nightmare and get backup then rush through the flame
[01:56.350] 把自己绑上十字架用七天拷问自己
[01:59.430] 头顶是炼狱脚下是荆棘
[02:01.800] 混乱的秩序 需要由谁去清理
[02:04.270] 用不着成为救世主也不会变得庆幸
[02:07.220] 为什么那么拼
[02:08.210] 我说这是上天注定但我不信命
[02:10.760] 到底行不行
[02:12.370] I just believe in myself and drop out the game
[02:16.790] We shouldn’t be ruled till we find the proof
[02:21.290] When I got nothing more to lose
[02:23.740] 是使命的结束
[02:25.360] 在迷途的中间 拼凑出偏执面
[02:30.030] 意义的浮现 机会的出现 被破碎和瓦解
[02:36.820] 录音:Naggy
[02:37.520] 混音:yocho
[02:38.160] 母带:Bankroll Studio


[00:00.000] zuò qǔ : yocho
[00:01.000] zuò cí : yocho
[00:17.550] biān qǔ: yocho
[00:39.820] Spinning in the circle
[00:41.640] mò bǐ wū sī huán yí yàng de shadow yīn yǐng
[00:43.130] cóng bú huì qù follow zūn xún
[00:44.520] Ain' t rid of the sorrow
[00:46.050] Ain' t be the roll model
[00:47.270] yī rán huì xuǎn zé qù tūn xià nà bottle dú yào
[00:49.290] sǐ ér fù shēng nà shi shuí
[00:50.820] qián fú zài měi ge rén bèi hòu jiāo zòng de guǐ
[00:53.140] jiù suàn shāo chéng huī we all gonna play wǒ men dōu yào jīng lì
[00:55.480] dài nǐ lǐng huì zhè shì jiè qiān wàn zhǒng mí rén de zuì
[00:57.990] And I call it flame
[00:59.110] pǔ luó mǐ xiū sī dài lái de zhǒng zi make them pray ràng tā men qí dǎo
[01:01.200] jiù suàn shì kuáng fēng bào yǔ wàn mǎ qí yīn cóng bù jué de lèi
[01:03.890] Looking at the skyline I call it gray
[01:05.660] and tell my brother never got slaved
[01:08.100] yǒu yī zhǒng tā men méi yǒu de dōng xī jiào zuò brain tóu nǎo
[01:10.020] yě xǔ yǒu yì tiān zài zhè lù shàng chàn huǐ may tear off sin cháng jǐn zuì è
[01:12.810] But l ain' t feel pain
[01:13.640] kě néng shì zhǒng lián mǐn cù shǐ zhe wǒ qián jìn
[01:15.560] I ain' t going to kill the god
[01:16.670] just make another paradise damn
[01:18.870] We shouldn' t be ruled till we find the proof
[01:23.120] When I got nothing more to lose
[01:25.480] shì shǐ mìng de jié shù
[01:27.140] zài mí tú de zhōng jiān pīn còu chū piān zhí miàn
[01:31.850] yì yì de fú xiàn jī huì de chū xiàn bèi pò suì hé wǎ jiě
[01:37.800] We can not breath in this condition
[01:40.390] So take a fly and complete our mission
[01:42.700] No matter get lost on this ship or depression
[01:45.090] We take it like silk drop out of the conclusion
[01:47.580] xiàng sǐ ér shēng què zēng hèn shēng mìng huò shì biàn chéng creature yě shòu miàn mù rú cǐ zhēng níng
[01:51.520] dǎ pò zhè nuò yà fāng zhōu bān de mèng jìng
[01:53.540] Kill the nightmare and get backup then rush through the flame
[01:56.350] bǎ zì jǐ bǎng shàng shí zì jià yòng qī tiān kǎo wèn zì jǐ
[01:59.430] tóu dǐng shì liàn yù jiǎo xià shì jīng jí
[02:01.800] hùn luàn de zhì xù xū yào yóu shuí qù qīng lǐ
[02:04.270] yòng bù zháo chéng wéi jiù shì zhǔ yě bú huì biàn de qìng xìng
[02:07.220] wèi shí me nà me pīn
[02:08.210] wǒ shuō zhè shì shàng tiān zhù dìng dàn wǒ bù xìn mìng
[02:10.760] dào dǐ xíng bù xíng
[02:12.370] I just believe in myself and drop out the game
[02:16.790] We shouldn' t be ruled till we find the proof
[02:21.290] When I got nothing more to lose
[02:23.740] shì shǐ mìng de jié shù
[02:25.360] zài mí tú de zhōng jiān pīn còu chū piān zhí miàn
[02:30.030] yì yì de fú xiàn jī huì de chū xiàn bèi pò suì hé wǎ jiě
[02:36.820] lù yīn: Naggy
[02:37.520] hùn yīn: yocho
[02:38.160] mǔ dài: Bankroll Studio


[00:39.820] xún huán wǎng fù
[00:44.520] wèi zēng bǎi tuō yōu shāng
[00:46.050] wèi zēng chéng wéi bǎng yàng
[00:57.990] wǒ jiào tā huǒ yàn
[01:03.890] kàn yuǎn fāng de tiān jì xiàn wǒ jiào tā huì sè
[01:05.660] gào sù wǒ de zú rén bú yào bèi nú yì
[01:12.810] wǒ bù céng tòng chǔ
[01:15.560] wǒ bù wàng huǐ miè nǐ men de xìn yǎng
[01:16.670] zhǐ xiǎng jiàn lì yí gè xīn de wū tuō bāng
[01:18.870] zài què zhèng zhī qián wǒ men bù yīng bèi shù fù
[01:23.120] dāng wǒ biàn tǐ lín shāng
[01:37.800] wǒ men zài zhè lǐ wú fǎ hū xī
[01:40.390] nà jiù fèn lì yī bó wán chéng shǐ mìng
[01:42.700] bù lùn shì mí shī huò zhě yì yù
[01:45.090] wǒ men chóng xīn kàn dài shì jiè gěi chū dá àn
[01:53.540] dǎ pò mèng yǎn chōng xiàng liè yàn
[02:12.370] wǒ zhǐ xiāng xìn zì jǐ tuō lí chéng bāng
[02:16.790] zài què zhèng zhī qián wǒ men bù yīng bèi shù fù
[02:21.290] dāng wǒ biàn tǐ lín shāng