Cold [ft. Sam Kang]

Cold [ft. Sam Kang] 歌词

歌曲 Cold [ft. Sam Kang]
歌手 Magnetic North
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[00:21.79] I know you often feel forgotten
[00:24.05] In our family talking real is awkward
[00:26.78] We don't say I love you we say are you hungry
[00:29.34] And when we grow up we move away across the country
[00:32.17] It's funny all the ways we show our love
[00:34.57] Is so cold when the world is cold enough
[00:37.04] But trust nothing means more than the family
[00:40.00] It rains and it pours but you'll always have a canopy
[00:42.71] Always have a sanctuary always have a place
[00:45.23] To crash you never even have to ask
[00:48.05] You can show up at my door with your bags all packed
[00:50.51] And whoever broke your heart imma cap his "@$$"
[00:53.39] I'm sorry I don't mean to be so protective
[00:56.04] But I'm the eldest it's practically in my essence
[00:58.74] What were you expecting you're the meaning in my life
[01:01.22] And now you no longer have to read between the lines cause
[01:04.39] You're every part of my life
[01:07.89] And I want to tell you what I like
[01:11.61] For you should never be never be cold
[01:15.66] Feel that warmth in your soul
[01:18.17] And I want to hold you, you alone
[01:22.98] For you should never be never be cold
[01:25.87] Brother brother, don't fret get in there
[01:28.18] Love love and war war has been fair
[01:30.91] It's been a long road for us here
[01:33.59] Our past prepares us for what's near
[01:36.24] For every little tear you got my shoulder
[01:38.62] Every single year please don't get colder
[01:41.35] Go grow glow hold my hopes up
[01:43.97] Broke from same molds our souls is one love
[01:46.69] My bruh, we've been through nightmares
[01:49.17] When ma broke down remember right there
[01:51.89] At the dinner table hands held for life dear
[01:54.66] You me and mama the cats on the side chairs
[01:57.57] I'm here for you forever more
[01:59.85] You happy is my pride and heaven's door
[02:02.73] Our bond can never be broken
[02:05.19] So play this song whenever frozen
[02:07.86] There's nothing I can say ~There's nothing I can say
[02:10.80] To change the warmth you bring ~To change the warmth you bring
[02:13.27] No smile that I can make ~No smile that I can make
[02:15.84] To let you know how much I love you ~Love you
[02:18.46] There's nothing I can say ~There's nothing I can say
[02:21.47] To change the warmth you bring ~To change the warmth you bring
[02:24.20] No smile that I can make ~No smile that I can make
[02:26.73] To let you know how much I love you ~Love you
[02:30.15] You're every part of my life
[02:32.73] And I want to tell you what I like
[02:36.91] For you should never be never be cold
[02:41.08] Feel that warmth in your soul
[02:43.70] And I want to hold you, you alone
[02:47.66] For you should never be never be cold
[02:51.21] Hope for the holidays in the thick of winter
[02:53.47] Traveling from faraway visiting my sister
[02:56.09] Soon as I get through the door her kids clutch my knees
[02:58.81] First thing they say is "Tio never leave!"
[03:01.48] Damn talk about guilt trip to the fullest
[03:04.05] Who could ever resist this ridiculous cuteness
[03:06.72] I'm clueless you got me, let me rephrase
[03:09.45] The truth kids you got me, forever always
[03:11.85] And now my big brother's been truly blessed
[03:14.80] With a little pudgy loving miracle princess
[03:17.27] Yes I lift her from her crib and all she does is just frown
[03:19.94] But holding onto dreams is never truer than now and blaow
[03:23.55] Just like that my life changes
[03:25.43] Puts in perspective what is really worth saving
[03:27.98] Everything for them, my greatest inspiration
[03:30.60] Arielle, Andres, and Ramie my angels
[03:33.63] You're every part of my life
[03:36.65] And I want to tell you what I like
[03:41.44] For you should never be never be cold
[03:44.51] Feel that warmth in your soul
[03:47.43] And I want to hold you, you alone
[03:51.51] For you should never be never be cold
[03:55.97] There's nothing I can say
[03:58.63] To change the warmth you bring
[04:01.04] No smile that I can make
[04:03.56] To let you know how much I love you
[04:06.19] There's nothing I can say
[04:09.16] To change the warmth you bring
[04:11.83] No smile that I can make
[04:14.28] To let you know how much I love you
[00:21.79] 我能懂你常感觉被所有人抛弃
[00:24.05] 在家里,有时直来直去是件尴尬的事儿
[00:26.78] 我们从不说我爱你 而是说 吃饭么
[00:29.34] 长大成人后 我们也许会天各一方
[00:32.17] 我们表达爱的方式太可笑了
[00:34.57] 这世界外部已经足够冷 而我们心里更冷
[00:37.04] 但说实话 没什么比家庭更加重要
[00:40.00] 即使狂风暴雨 家永远为你提供一荫遮蔽
[00:42.71] 总是一处庇护 一个任何时候都可以回去的地方
[00:45.23] 不要过问钱的问题
[00:48.05] 打包好了行李 直接出现在我家门口也绝对没问题
[00:50.51] 要是谁伤了你的心 我会叫他们好看
[00:53.39] 哎呀 我不是想做个保护欲极强的疯子
[00:56.04] 但是作为大人 我已经习惯这么做啦
[00:58.74] 想什么呢 你可是我最重要的人
[01:01.22] 再也不用琢磨字里行间的隐含义
[01:04.39] 你存在于我生活中每个细节
[01:07.89] 想和你分享我喜欢的东西
[01:11.61] 你永远不该被寒冷裹挟
[01:15.66] 去感受灵魂的热度
[01:18.17] 你独自一人的时候 真希望我能包围着你
[01:22.98] 绝不能让你冷到啊
[01:25.87] 弟弟 别害怕 来我这边
[01:28.18] 爱与战争 一半一半吧
[01:30.91] 我们已经同行很久
[01:33.59] 过去为将来缓缓铺垫
[01:36.24] 你每一滴眼泪都可以缀在我的衣襟上
[01:38.62] 我不想你在任何时候心灰意冷
[01:41.35] 带着我的期盼长大吧
[01:43.97] 同样的破茧而出 我们的灵魂被同样的爱紧密相连
[01:46.69] 小弟 我们都经历过梦魇
[01:49.17] 心里不好受的时候别忘了还有我
[01:51.89] 餐桌上 我们为生活携手祈祷
[01:54.66] 你 我 妈妈 还有我们的猫
[01:57.57] 我永远为你驻留
[01:59.85] 你的欢欣是我的骄傲 是天堂之门
[02:02.73] 我们之间的纽带永不损坏
[02:05.19] 若内心被冰封 就放起这首歌吧
[02:07.86] 我无话可说啦 言语表达不出我对你的爱
[02:10.80] 想让你感到温暖
[02:13.27] 再不曾见过如你的灿烂笑颜
[02:15.84] 想让你知道我有多爱你 超爱你
[02:18.46] 我不善言辞 言语都不能表达啊
[02:21.47] 希望你能感到舒适惬意
[02:24.20] 希望你还能露出可爱的的笑容
[02:26.73] 想让你知道
[02:30.15] 你存在于我生活的每一部分
[02:32.73] 想和你分享我喜欢的东西
[02:36.91] 你要做温暖的小天使呀
[02:41.08] 感受内心的热度
[02:43.70] 想抱住孤独时刻的你
[02:47.66] 想让你活络起来
[02:51.21] 在寒冬腊月仍保有对旅行的期待
[02:53.47] 想跨过整个国家 探望我的姐妹
[02:56.09] 当我踏入家门 小外甥们会抱住我的膝盖
[02:58.81] 对我说 舅舅 多陪陪我们吧
[03:01.48] 老天 好有负罪感
[03:04.05] 谁能拒绝得了这么可爱的孩子
[03:06.72] 你们抓我的心了 真的
[03:09.45] 孩子总是能紧紧抓住人心 永远
[03:11.85] 我哥哥被上天保佑
[03:14.80] 有个可爱的小胖公主
[03:17.27] 我把她从婴儿床抱出来的时候 她还皱着眉头
[03:19.94] 再甜美的梦也不过如此吧 多么真实的美梦
[03:23.55] 我的生活渐渐发生着改变
[03:25.43] 把生活重心放在真正重要的事上
[03:27.98] 这一切都是为了家人 他们是我最大的激励
[03:30.60] Arielle Andres Ramie 你们这几个小天使
[03:33.63] 飞翔于我生命的每一角落
[03:36.65] 想与你们分享我的爱好
[03:41.44] 你们值得永远被爱
[03:44.51] 轻轻触及你灵魂中的热量
[03:47.43] 超想给你一个拥抱
[03:51.51] 你永远是被爱着的人呐
[03:55.97] 言语也不能表达我的情感
[03:58.63] 想紧紧抱住你
[04:01.04] 想看你露出笑容
[04:03.56] 想让你知道我多爱你呀
[04:06.19] 我不善言辞 不会表达
[04:09.16] 你让我感到多么温暖
[04:11.83] 再没见过这般的笑脸
[04:14.28] 想让你知道我有多么爱你
Cold [ft. Sam Kang] 歌词
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