this day day dawes |
this gentil day day dawes |
this gentil day day dawes |
and i must home gone |
this gentil day dawes |
this day day dawes |
this gentil day dawes |
and we must home gone |
in a glorious garden grene |
sawe i sitting a comly quene |
among the floures that fresh bene |
she gaderd a floure and set betwene |
the lily whighte rose me thought i sawe |
the lily whighte rose me thought i sawe |
and ever she sang |
in that garden be floures of hewe |
the gelofir gent that she well knewe |
the floure-de-luce she did on rewe |
and said \"the white rose is most trewe |
this garden to rule by rightwys lawe\" |
and ever she sang |
his gentle deed in glory who was proud and grand |
so i sit here a lilly white comely queen |
gentle fear beheld that saw she did love anew |
in his blossom a flower most true |
and for knoweth lilly white virgin queen |