The Inland Ice: Part III — The Descent

歌曲 The Inland Ice: Part III — The Descent
歌手 The Mountaineering Club Orchestra
专辑 A Start On Such A Night Is Full Of Promise


[00:02.48] September 24, we turned out early and set off with the determination to reach land that day.
[00:08.57] This time, too, we were not disappointed.
[00:10.55] We pushed on fast, as the gradient was often tolerably steep and gave us much help.
[00:15.81] The wind was fair, too, the ice easy, and everything promising.
[00:19.19] Some way down a reconnaissance proved necessary, as the ice here got rather rougher.
[00:24.28] I went on in front and soon found myself upon the brow of an ice-slope which overlooked a beautiful mountain tarn,
[00:30.54] the surface of which was covered with a sheet of ice.
[00:33.88] Beyond was a gorge through which a river from the tam ran downwards ,
[00:37.44] while to the right the great glacier sloped evenly down to its end moraine,
[00:41.53] and would have formed the most magnificent coasting-hill imaginable,
[00:44.41] but for the stones that lay scattered over its surface.
[00:47.92] Here was an easy descent for us, and no obstacles to separate us from our goal.
[00:53.17] I soon had the whole party by me , and we stood enjoying the sight of, the land below.
[00:57.62] After I had taken a couple of photographs, we set Off down the last ice-slope.
[01:01.65] It was steep it was steeper perhaps than any we had run down before,
[01:05.66] and we had to use our brakes ;
[01:07.76] but the sledges went gaily , and soon we were safe and well upon the frozen tarn below the glacier ,
[01:12.51] with the “ Inland ice ” for ever left behind.
[01:16.40] We now pushed across the tarn towards the river on the Other side.
[01:19.90] The ice was not everywhere quite safe ,but by moving carefully we reached the rocks beyond without mishap,
[01:24.99] took of the “ crampons ” which we had been using the last few days,
[01:28.06] and like schoolboys released, ran wildly about the shore.
[01:31.26] Words cannot describe what it was for us only to have the earth and stones again beneath our feet,
[01:36.16] or the thrill that went through us as we felt the elastic heather on which we trod,
[01:39.72] and smelt the fragrant scent Of grass and moss.
[01:43.00] Behind us lay the “ Inland ice, ” its cold , grey slope sinking slowly towards the lake ;
[01:48.28] before lay the genial land.
[01:51.26] Away down the valley we could see headland beyond headland,
[01:54.09] covering and overlapping each Other as far as the eye could reach.
[01:57.28] Here lay our course , the way down to the fjord.
[02:00.19] I’ll return.


[00:02.48] September 24, we turned out early and set off with the determination to reach land that day.
[00:08.57] This time, too, we were not disappointed.
[00:10.55] We pushed on fast, as the gradient was often tolerably steep and gave us much help.
[00:15.81] The wind was fair, too, the ice easy, and everything promising.
[00:19.19] Some way down a reconnaissance proved necessary, as the ice here got rather rougher.
[00:24.28] I went on in front and soon found myself upon the brow of an iceslope which overlooked a beautiful mountain tarn,
[00:30.54] the surface of which was covered with a sheet of ice.
[00:33.88] Beyond was a gorge through which a river from the tam ran downwards ,
[00:37.44] while to the right the great glacier sloped evenly down to its end moraine,
[00:41.53] and would have formed the most magnificent coastinghill imaginable,
[00:44.41] but for the stones that lay scattered over its surface.
[00:47.92] Here was an easy descent for us, and no obstacles to separate us from our goal.
[00:53.17] I soon had the whole party by me , and we stood enjoying the sight of, the land below.
[00:57.62] After I had taken a couple of photographs, we set Off down the last iceslope.
[01:01.65] It was steep it was steeper perhaps than any we had run down before,
[01:05.66] and we had to use our brakes
[01:07.76] but the sledges went gaily , and soon we were safe and well upon the frozen tarn below the glacier ,
[01:12.51] with the " Inland ice " for ever left behind.
[01:16.40] We now pushed across the tarn towards the river on the Other side.
[01:19.90] The ice was not everywhere quite safe , but by moving carefully we reached the rocks beyond without mishap,
[01:24.99] took of the " crampons " which we had been using the last few days,
[01:28.06] and like schoolboys released, ran wildly about the shore.
[01:31.26] Words cannot describe what it was for us only to have the earth and stones again beneath our feet,
[01:36.16] or the thrill that went through us as we felt the elastic heather on which we trod,
[01:39.72] and smelt the fragrant scent Of grass and moss.
[01:43.00] Behind us lay the " Inland ice, " its cold , grey slope sinking slowly towards the lake
[01:48.28] before lay the genial land.
[01:51.26] Away down the valley we could see headland beyond headland,
[01:54.09] covering and overlapping each Other as far as the eye could reach.
[01:57.28] Here lay our course , the way down to the fjord.
[02:00.19] I' ll return.


[00:02.48] 9 yuè 24 rì, wǒ men zǎo zǎo qǐ chuáng, dài zhe dāng rì dào dá píng dì de jué xīn chū fā le
[00:08.57] zhè yī cì yě méi yǒu ràng wǒ men shī wàng
[00:10.55] dǒu qiào de xié pō bāng zhù wǒ men jiā kuài le xià jiàng de jìn chéng
[00:15.81] fēng hé rì lì, bīng miàn píng huá, zhè yī qiè ràng jiē xià lái de lù chéng chōng mǎn le xī wàng
[00:19.19] cóng mǒu fāng miàn lái shuō, shì xiān zhēn chá dì xíng hái shì yǒu bì yào de, yīn wèi zhè lǐ de bīng miàn kāi shǐ biàn de yuè lái yuè qí qū bù píng
[00:24.28] wǒ zǒu dào qián miàn, hěn kuài fā xiàn zì jǐ zài yí gè bīng pō de shān jǐ chù, gāo sǒng yú yí gè měi lì de shān zhōng bīng dǒu hú zhī shàng
[00:30.54] ér hú de biǎo miàn bèi yī céng bīng fù gài.
[00:33.88] yuǎn chù shì yī tiáo xiá gǔ, chuān guò le lái zì bīng dǒu hú de hé liú, wǎng xià yán shēn
[00:37.44] zài yòu biān jù dà de bīng chuān huǎn huǎn qīng xié xiàng xià zhí zhì tā de dǐ bù
[00:41.53] tǎng ruò méi yǒu sàn bù zài biǎo miàn dí suì shí de huà
[00:44.41] tā jiāng shì zuì wéi měi lì zhuàng guān de bīng àn shān
[00:47.92] zhè shì yī cì jiǎn dān de xià jiàng, zài zhōng diǎn hé wǒ men zhī jiān méi yǒu rèn hé zhàng ài zǔ gé
[00:53.17] hěn kuài wǒ de xiǎo duì dōu dào qí le, dà jiā zhàn zài zhè lǐ fǔ kàn, xiǎng shòu zhe jiǎo xià zhè piàn měi jǐng
[00:57.62] wǒ pāi le jǐ zhāng zhào hòu, dòng shēn jì xù zuì hòu yī duàn bīng pō xià jiàng
[01:01.65] zhè duàn bīng pō hěn dǒu, bǐ wǒ men zhī qián yù dào de rèn hé yī duàn dōu yào dǒu
[01:05.66] yǐ zhì yú wǒ men yào yòng dào wǒ men de xuě qiāo de shā chē jiǎn sù
[01:07.76] dàn shì xuě qiāo yī jiù huān kuài de huá xíng zhe, méi duō jiǔ wǒ men jiù ān quán dǐ dá le wèi yú bīng chuān xià de bīng dǒu hú shàng
[01:12.51] ér" gé líng lán bīng yuán" yǒng yuǎn bèi liú zài le shēn hòu
[01:16.40] wǒ men jì xù qián xíng, chuān guò le bīng dǒu hú, zǒu xiàng wèi yú lìng yī duān dì hé liú
[01:19.90] bú shì měi yī chù bīng miàn dōu hěn ān quán, dàn wǒ men fēi cháng xiǎo xīn yì yì dì yí dòng, miǎn zāo bù xìng fā shēng
[01:24.99] ná zhe qián jǐ tiān yī zhí zài yòng de" bīng zhǎo"
[01:28.06] wǒ men xiàng fàng xué de hái zi yí yàng, fēng kuáng de zài hǎi bīn shàng bēn pǎo
[01:31.26] yán yǔ wú fǎ miáo shù wǒ men cǐ kè de xīn qíng hé zhè yī qiè duì wǒ men de yì yì, kàn qǐ lái zhǐ bù guò shì lù dì hé shí tou zài yī cì bèi wǒ men cǎi zài jiǎo xià
[01:36.16] gǎn shòu zhe jiǎo dǐ cǎi guò róu rèn de shí nán zhí wù shí nèi xīn fàn qǐ de xīng fèn lián yī
[01:39.72] hé zài yī cì wén dào cǎo hé ní zhǎo de fāng xiāng
[01:43.00] zài wǒ men shēn hòu, shì" gé líng lán bīng yuán", tā nà lěng jùn, huī bái de xié jiǎo huǎn huǎn xià chén zhì hú zhōng
[01:48.28] zài chù dào jiǎo xià de zhè kuài yí rén píng yuán qián, shuài xiān yǐn mò xiāo shī yú hú lǐ.
[01:51.26] yán zhe xiá gǔ lí kāi, wǒ men kě yǐ kāi dào yuǎn chù de shān wài yǒu shān
[01:54.09] tā men zài mù suǒ néng jí de dì fāng xiāng hù fù gài, chóng dié
[01:57.28] zhè lǐ chén shuì zháo yī tiáo shǔ yú wǒ men de háng xiàn, tōng wǎng xiá wān
[02:00.19] wǒ jiāng fǎn huí.