
Hollywood 歌词

歌曲 Hollywood
歌手 The Dean's List
歌手 Dani Ummel
专辑 Generation X (Bonus Track Version)
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Black Kid,
Couple Of
White Girls
Sipping On
Life And It
Feels Alright,
Girl White
Kids Bumping
This Shit
Felling All
Black Like
This Is Our
World Fucking
Awesome, Pretty
Good Boy,
Educated Like
A Thief In
The Hood Boy
No Key Stone,
Got The Password,
Baby Yellin
How Fucking
Madverbs Levitate
Up To The
Top, Before
You Drop And
If The Elevator
Falls You
Gotta Hustle
Till It Stops
Fucking Awesome,
Pretty Good
Boy, Educated
Like A Thief
In The Hood
Boy Ever Wondered
Why The Thunder
Never Stops
Got The Sky
Yellin Sunny
And The World
On Lock Girl
Don't Talk,
If It Works
Don't Stop
Make It Hurt,
Hurt, Hurt
A Lot You
A Freak We
Know It, I
Heard A Lot
Trying To
Act All Funny,
You Ain't
Heard Of Us
When You Chilling
At The Show,
Looking Nervous
Thinking Of
Some Ways
You Could
Probably Work
The ... Fixing
Your Hair
In The Mirror
In The Bathroom
Get Your Fix
On In The
Mirror In
The Last Room
Mix Girl,
Mix Girl,
Ready For
The Mix Girl
Liquor For
The Whole
Team, Shots
For The Rich
Girl It's
Getting Harder
To Hide The
Way That I
Feel They
Said This
Was Meant
For Us Is
Tonight A
Part Of The
Deal We Were
Kids Without
Ambition Now
It's All Alright
Keep This
Playing In
You're System
Then You Run
All Night
You're Probably
In L.A. Working
At The Bar
Little Something
That I Call
Throwin Money
In A Jar Hope
It All Works
Out, I Do,
I Do You Hate
This City,
That's Cool,
That's Cool
I'll Probly
Be In Frisco,
Partyin In
The Bay If
You Ever Need
A Moment You
Can Hop My
Way Oh Girl,
Don't Worry
Bout The Bus,
Don't Worry
Bout The Drug
Just Focus
On The Rush,
Yeah If We
Ever Get To
Let This All
Out Show Them
That You Got
It, Yeah You
Got It No
Doubt It's
All About
The Power,
Power's Alright
Even When
It Stops We
Can Party
All Night
It's Getting
Harder To
Hide The Way
That I Feel
They Said
This Was Meant
For Us, Is
Tonight A
Part Of The
Deal We Were
Kids Without
Ambition Now
It's All Alright
Keep This
Playing In
You're System
Then You Run
All Night
Hollywood 歌词


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