Warrior's Nightmare

歌曲 Warrior's Nightmare
歌手 Varathron
专辑 The Lament of Gods


I'm Aurelius
The Personal
Advisor Tleilaxu,
The Warrior
King of Allysia.
Tleilaxu Is
A Man of Unquenchible
Desires He
Lives For
And Blood of
War, He Is
Cunning As
Well As Skilled
In The Martial
Arts Has Led
Many Armies.
Against The
That Have
Misfortune of
Residing In
Lands !!!
Soon His Empire
S[reads Accross The Continent Until He Grows (Weary) And Restless From The Ease of Victory. Someday, Th Spirit Comes In His Dream And Ask Him: (Like A Fearful Whisper) You Forced Nations To War, Killed Men, Not For Land or Resources But For Your Own Selfish Ego You Want To Control Men To Prove Your Superiority How By Slaughtering Husbands, Fathers, Sons And Lovers... Fearful Whispers, Eternal Whispers, Creatures That Appear In Your Slumber, Do Not Exist In Our World They Are Part of The Dream Realm. They Are Called Eternals And They Are More Powerful Than Ordinary Mortals!!! Tampering With These Beings Can Be Very Dangerous, They Can Magnify Our Subconscious Fears And Desires, A Thousandfold With Recurring Nightmares Driving Us Insane.... Sirens Sound Like An Incubus, Such Creatures Bring Erotic Dreams To People, In The Far Reaches of Imagination Shrouded From Mortal Eyes, Lies... ... The Dream, Realm.. The Royal Chambers of Aletha, Sister of The Nightmare King, goddess of Erotica!!! It's Time To Meet Her In your Hell - Dreams!!!