Generation Why

Generation Why 歌词

歌曲 Generation Why
歌手 Conan Gray
专辑 Generation Why
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[00:00.70] Why why why why
[00:05.63] Why why why why
[00:11.69] Why why why
[00:17.66] I was off keying cars parked on radium lawns
[00:25.77] By suburbian moms
[00:29.24] I called a friend, "Let's meet at ten"
[00:34.33] Go wherever we want 'cause no one cares that we're gone
[00:40.79] This town don't got much to do
[00:43.58] You and I haven't got much to lose
[00:46.55] So do you wanna rot in your room like we always do?
[00:51.60] Talk about how fast we grew
[00:55.36] And all the big dreams that we won't pursue
[00:58.13] Then get in your car and laugh 'til we both turn blue
[01:03.48] 'Cause we are the helpless, selfish, one of a kind
[01:06.96] Millennium kids, that all wanna die
[01:09.88] Walking in the street with no light inside our eyes
[01:15.52] We are the worthless, cursed with too much time
[01:18.58] We get into trouble and lose our minds
[01:21.54] Something that I've heard a million times in my life
[01:25.86] Generation Why
[01:28.04] Parents think we're fast asleep
[01:33.11] But as soon as we're home we're sneaking out the window
[01:39.42] 'Cause at this rate of earth decay
[01:44.39] Our world's ending at noon
[01:47.46] Could we all just move to the moon?
[01:50.52] This town don't got much to do
[01:53.80] And you and I haven't got much to lose
[01:56.75] So do you wanna leave everyone in this place for good?
[02:01.36] 'Cause we are the helpless, selfish, one of a kind
[02:05.39] Millennium kids, that all wanna die
[02:08.38] Walking in the street with no light inside our eyes
[02:13.19] We are the worthless, cursed with too much time
[02:17.06] We get into trouble and lose our minds
[02:20.07] Something that I've heard a million times in my life
[02:24.39] Generation Why
[02:26.71] Why why why why why why why why why
[02:29.88] We're livin' night to night
[02:32.14] Why why why why why why why why why
[02:36.20] Since we're bound to die, oh
[02:38.66] Why why why why why why why why why
[02:42.22] Oh, what's the use in trying?
[02:44.26] Why why why why why why why why why
[02:47.43] And it's exactly why
[02:48.94] We are the helpless, selfish, one of a kind
[02:52.21] Millennium kids, that all wanna die
[02:55.21] Walking in the street with no light inside our eyes
[03:00.84] We are the worthless, cursed with too much time
[03:03.95] We get into trouble and lose our minds
[03:06.83] Something that I've heard a million times in my life
[03:11.07] Generation why
[03:13.44] Why why why why why why why why why why
[03:18.53] Why why why why why why why why why why
[03:24.13] Why why why why why why why why why why
[03:30.59] Why why why why why why why why why why
[00:00.70] 为何
[00:05.63] 为何
[00:11.69] 迷茫不解
[00:17.66] 空留停在辐射草坪上的车辆(radium指Conan所在德克萨斯州因镭辐射而被污染)
[00:25.77] 愤怒失控的父母起着不好的表率(指当地新闻一位母亲在孩子面前攻击收银员)
[00:29.24] 唤上好友,相约十点见面
[00:34.33] 随心所欲挥霍青春,没人在乎我们何去何从
[00:40.79] 这个小镇一成不变(指idle town)
[00:43.58] 百般聊赖的你我一无所有
[00:46.55] 在空荡房间中浑浑噩噩病入膏肓
[00:51.60] 感叹着白马过隙时光飞梭
[00:55.36] 空谈着天马行空的梦想
[00:58.13] 车座上我们开怀大笑直到被阴郁笼罩
[01:03.48] 我们是私心自用,自命不凡
[01:06.96] 垮掉的千禧一代,向死而生
[01:09.88] 流荡街头,碌碌无为
[01:15.52] 一文不值,游手好闲
[01:18.58] 作茧自缚,沉沦虚无
[01:21.54] 受尽无数唠叨
[01:25.86] 晃荡迷茫的青春
[01:28.04] 父母束缚我们于高高的象牙塔
[01:33.11] 我们却已偷偷溜出去阅览这光怪陆离的世界
[01:39.42] 地球败絮其中(指全球变暖等问题)
[01:44.39] 世界终将终结
[01:47.46] 我们能否搬进月球?
[01:50.52] 这个小镇一成不变
[01:53.80] 百般聊赖的你我一无所有
[01:56.75] 你是否想不顾一切远走高飞
[02:01.36] 我们是私心自用,自命不凡
[02:05.39] 垮掉的千禧一代,向死而生
[02:08.38] 流荡街头,碌碌无为
[02:13.19] 一文不值,游手好闲
[02:17.06] 作茧自缚,沉沦虚无
[02:20.07] 受尽无数唠叨
[02:24.39] 晃荡迷茫的青春
[02:26.71] 为何
[02:29.88] 虚度光阴
[02:32.14] 为何
[02:36.20] 向死而生
[02:38.66] 为何
[02:42.22] 孤注一掷尝试
[02:44.26] 为何
[02:47.43] 这便是为何
[02:48.94] 我们是私心自用,自命不凡
[02:52.21] 垮掉的千禧一代,向死而生
[02:55.21] 流荡街头,碌碌无为
[03:00.84] 一文不值,游手好闲
[03:03.95] 作茧自缚,沉沦虚无
[03:06.83] 受尽无数唠叨
[03:11.07] 晃荡迷茫的青春
[03:13.44] 为何
[03:18.53] 为何
[03:24.13] 为何
[03:30.59] 数不清的疑惑
Generation Why 歌词
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