盗梦者 po by Otokaze - 彩月​-​Sai​-​getsu-

歌曲 盗梦者 po by Otokaze - 彩月​-​Sai​-​getsu-
歌手 Crow D_乌鸦
专辑 Crow Deep


[00:00.000] 作曲 : Otokaze
[00:01.000] 作词 : Crow D_乌鸦
[00:08.490] hate rock and roll(讨厌摇滚的喧嚣)
[00:09.490] locked in your room(独自一人紧锁门窗)
[00:10.490] now u mother ****er take on your lost soul
[00:18.490] now u hate everyday sunshine(现在的你讨厌每天的日出)
[00:20.490] no hear long time Ultralow bass(也很久没有听到超低音贝司)
[00:22.490] life's not easy e how u keep memories(生活并不容易 如何保留回忆)
[00:24.490] now u keep kids and no more kiss young sis(现在你有了孩子不再亲吻别的小姐)
[00:27.490] hell back to shelf, leave old pan pal(滚回你的住处,又离开了你的老笔友)
[00:29.490] keep real from yourself, how this feel(为了做自己而做自己是什么样的感受)
[00:32.490] Chinese hip-hop will never go down(中国说唱不会完蛋)
[00:34.490] that's not show down, will be Pingpong(这可不是虚张声势。会变得像乒乓球一样流行)
[00:35.490] every day then every night (一天一天流逝)lost your first sight(丢掉了你的初衷)
[00:37.490] forgot about the dream like where to be best high(忘记了那个最伟大的梦想)
[00:38.490] look around me. they don't know me
[00:40.490] there's no peace, no ****, no ***, their eyes I'm just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hip-hop can save me(这里没有平静,没有安眠药,没有性,在他他们眼里我品行低劣,或者你想杀了我,不过只有说唱能救我)
[00:50.490] u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old(你可以滚着逃离,不过你再也找不到家的方向,只能不断变老)
[00:54.490] I'm a bad man. I'm a bad man(我是个坏人,很坏很坏的人)
[00:56.490] hate think back. hate government(讨厌回想过去,讨厌政治)
[00:58.490] hit homor rhyme can't be a humor man(找到了幽默的韵脚不过成为不了幽默的人)
[01:00.490] all I wanna do is holding my arm around u(我唯一想做的事就是让我的双手把她怀抱)
[01:02.490] let's get in round two(现在来到第二回合)给我更多帮助
[01:04.490] 没有更多长处只会把那灵感留住
[01:06.490] 有人在逃 我却用敌人的尸体铺路
[01:08.490] 宁愿承受孤独和寂寞也不要和那平凡相处
[01:10.490] said goodbye to your old life(就说再见,和你过去的生命)
[01:13.490] just say goodbye what in your mind(就和你脑子里的回忆道别)
[01:16.490] when u wanna cry go on don't be shy(想哭就哭不要害怕)
[01:19.490] course everything's gonna be fine(因为总有一天事情都会好转)
[01:22.490] that's lie(这可能是个谎言)可是在 这种场合说出来的话就是帅 抱歉我不该在 这个时候表现的这么实在
[01:28.490] can u feel the emotion from other mother ****er guys just cry and...die ...
[01:34.490] every day then every night (一天一天流逝)lost your first sight(丢掉了你的初衷)
[01:37.490] forgot about the dream like where to be best high(忘记了那个最伟大的梦想)
[01:38.490] look around me. they don't know me
[01:40.490] there's no peace, no ****, no ***, their eyes I'm just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hip-hop can save me(这里没有平静,没有安眠药,没有性,在他他们眼里我品行低劣,或者你想杀了我,不过只有说唱能救我)
[01:50.490] u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old(你可以滚着逃离,不过你再也找不到家的方向,只能不断变老)
[02:10.490] who stole your dream u don't even know the name(那个偷梦的人,你甚至不知道他的名字)
[02:13.490] feel some missing working days u don't even be late(每天若有所失即使工作从不迟到)
[02:16.490] ask why that's another level of LAZY(别问为什么,这是另一层面的懒惰)
[02:18.490] 别再比谁快 到达终点站
[02:20.490] 做这平凡的工作以为能够少点麻烦
[02:22.490] 这是错觉你得知道时间过得超级快
[02:24.490] dirty works u don't ever be mind(那脏累的工作你从没在意)
[02:26.490] desigh, do the thing what u like(设想你正在做想要做的事)
[02:28.490] handle your life(你的命你自己操盘)
[02:30.490] every day then every night (一天一天流逝)lost your first sight(丢掉了你的初衷)
[02:33.490] forgot about the dream like where to be best high(忘记了那个最伟大的梦想)
[02:35.490] look around me. they don't know me
[02:37.490] there's no peace, no ****, no ***, their eyes I'm just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hip-hop can save me(这里没有平静,没有安眠药,没有性,在他他们眼里我品行低劣,或者你想杀了我,不过只有说唱能救我)
[02:43.490] u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old(你可以滚着逃离,不过你再也找不到家的方向,只能不断变老)
[02:48.490] whose voice appeared on the radio(谁的声音又出现在了录音机)
[02:50.490] 你想变得超级红 紧紧握住mic-phone
[02:52.490] 可是脚步也很重 随时躲避fire-hone
[02:54.490] 当你孤单也会情不自禁点击播放where‘d u go
[02:57.490] "where’d u go" good question(《你去了哪里》一个很好的问题)
[02:59.490] u don't wanna know the worst thing(你不想知道坏事情)
[03:01.490] called ******g ***** is vitamin(把发泄欲望叫做补充维他命)
[03:03.490] whatever u d keep going never running(无论如何,你得偶下去,不能逃避)
[03:05.490] course u pushed your whole life all in(因为你已经赌上了全部)
[03:07.490] 下段路程loading 失去谁的声音
[03:09.490] wanna be the champion 向那2pac致敬
[03:11.490] 他指引 我去执行 对梦想的所有憧憬
[03:13.490] 还有依旧讨厌那个团体来自mother-fuc吉林
[03:16.490] 兄弟一路都在分分合合才是真爱,把握不住现在那就借口海枯石烂
[03:21.490] 那群跳梁的小丑 还在吹捧那热狗
[03:23.490] 只能压下这念头 不懂hip-hop请住口


xiàn zài nǐ zhè jiā huo zhōng yú jiǎn qǐ diū diào de hún
nǐ kě yǐ gǎn shòu dào nǐ zhōu wéi rén de qíng xù, bù xiǎng xiàng nà yàng kū huò píng fán de sǐ qù
[00:00.000] zuò qǔ : Otokaze
[00:01.000] zuò cí : Crow D_ wū yā
[00:08.490] hate rock and roll tǎo yàn yáo gǔn de xuān xiāo
[00:09.490] locked in your room dú zì yī rén jǐn suǒ mén chuāng
[00:10.490] now u mother er take on your lost soul
[00:18.490] now u hate everyday sunshine xiàn zài de nǐ tǎo yàn měi tiān de rì chū
[00:20.490] no hear long time Ultralow bass yě hěn jiǔ méi yǒu tīng dào chāo dī yīn bèi sī
[00:22.490] life' s not easy e how u keep memories shēng huó bìng bù róng yì rú hé bǎo liú huí yì
[00:24.490] now u keep kids and no more kiss young sis xiàn zài nǐ yǒu le hái zi bù zài qīn wěn bié de xiǎo jiě
[00:27.490] hell back to shelf, leave old pan pal gǔn huí nǐ de zhù chù, yòu lí kāi le nǐ de lǎo bǐ yǒu
[00:29.490] keep real from yourself, how this feel wèi le zuò zì jǐ ér zuò zì jǐ shì shén me yàng de gǎn shòu
[00:32.490] Chinese hiphop will never go down zhōng guó shuō chàng bú huì wán dàn
[00:34.490] that' s not show down, will be Pingpong zhè kě bú shì xū zhāng shēng shì. huì biàn de xiàng pīng pāng qiú yí yàng liú xíng
[00:35.490] every day then every night yì tiān yì tiān liú shì lost your first sight diū diào le nǐ de chū zhōng
[00:37.490] forgot about the dream like where to be best high wàng jì le nà gè zuì wěi dà de mèng xiǎng
[00:38.490] look around me. they don' t know me
[00:40.490] there' s no peace, no , no , their eyes I' m just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hiphop can save me zhè lǐ méi yǒu píng jìng, méi yǒu ān mián yào, méi yǒu xìng, zài tā tā men yǎn lǐ wǒ pǐn xíng dī liè, huò zhě nǐ xiǎng shā le wǒ, bù guò zhǐ yǒu shuō chàng néng jiù wǒ
[00:50.490] u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old nǐ kě yǐ gǔn zhe táo lí, bù guò nǐ zài yě zhǎo bú dào jiā de fāng xiàng, zhǐ néng bù duàn biàn lǎo
[00:54.490] I' m a bad man. I' m a bad man wǒ shì gè huài rén, hěn huài hěn huài de rén
[00:56.490] hate think back. hate government tǎo yàn huí xiǎng guò qù, tǎo yàn zhèng zhì
[00:58.490] hit homor rhyme can' t be a humor man zhǎo dào le yōu mò de yùn jiǎo bù guò chéng wéi bù liǎo yōu mò de rén
[01:00.490] all I wanna do is holding my arm around u wǒ wéi yī xiǎng zuò de shì jiù shì ràng wǒ de shuāng shǒu bà tā huái bào
[01:02.490] let' s get in round two xiàn zài lái dào dì èr huí hé gěi wǒ gèng duō bāng zhù
[01:04.490] méi yǒu gèng duō cháng chù zhǐ huì bǎ nà líng gǎn liú zhù
[01:06.490] yǒu rén zài táo wǒ què yòng dí rén de shī tǐ pū lù
[01:08.490] nìng yuàn chéng shòu gū dú hé jì mò yě bú yào hé nà píng fán xiāng chǔ
[01:10.490] said goodbye to your old life jiù shuō zài jiàn, hé nǐ guò qù de shēng mìng
[01:13.490] just say goodbye what in your mind jiù hé nǐ nǎo zi lǐ de huí yì dào bié
[01:16.490] when u wanna cry go on don' t be shy xiǎng kū jiù kū bú yào hài pà
[01:19.490] course everything' s gonna be fine yīn wèi zǒng yǒu yì tiān shì qíng dōu huì hǎo zhuǎn
[01:22.490] that' s lie zhè kě néng shì gè huǎng yán kě shì zài zhè zhǒng chǎng hé shuō chū lái de huà jiù shì shuài bào qiàn wǒ bù gāi zài zhè gè shí hòu biǎo xiàn de zhè me shí zài
[01:28.490] can u feel the emotion from other mother er guys just cry and... die ...
[01:34.490] every day then every night yì tiān yì tiān liú shì lost your first sight diū diào le nǐ de chū zhōng
[01:37.490] forgot about the dream like where to be best high wàng jì le nà gè zuì wěi dà de mèng xiǎng
[01:38.490] look around me. they don' t know me
[01:40.490] there' s no peace, no , no , their eyes I' m just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hiphop can save me zhè lǐ méi yǒu píng jìng, méi yǒu ān mián yào, méi yǒu xìng, zài tā tā men yǎn lǐ wǒ pǐn xíng dī liè, huò zhě nǐ xiǎng shā le wǒ, bù guò zhǐ yǒu shuō chàng néng jiù wǒ
[01:50.490] u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old nǐ kě yǐ gǔn zhe táo lí, bù guò nǐ zài yě zhǎo bú dào jiā de fāng xiàng, zhǐ néng bù duàn biàn lǎo
[02:10.490] who stole your dream u don' t even know the name nà gè tōu mèng de rén, nǐ shèn zhì bù zhī dào tā de míng zì
[02:13.490] feel some missing working days u don' t even be late měi tiān ruò yǒu suǒ shī jí shǐ gōng zuò cóng bù chí dào
[02:16.490] ask why that' s another level of LAZY bié wèn wèi shí me, zhè shì lìng yī céng miàn dí lǎn duò
[02:18.490] bié zài bǐ shuí kuài dào dá zhōng diǎn zhàn
[02:20.490] zuò zhè píng fán de gōng zuò yǐ wéi néng gòu shǎo diǎn má fán
[02:22.490] zhè shì cuò jué nǐ dé zhī dào shí jiān guò de chāo jí kuài
[02:24.490] dirty works u don' t ever be mind nà zàng lèi de gōng zuò nǐ cóng méi zài yì
[02:26.490] desigh, do the thing what u like shè xiǎng nǐ zhèng zài zuò xiǎng yào zuò de shì
[02:28.490] handle your life nǐ de mìng nǐ zì jǐ cāo pán
[02:30.490] every day then every night yì tiān yì tiān liú shì lost your first sight diū diào le nǐ de chū zhōng
[02:33.490] forgot about the dream like where to be best high wàng jì le nà gè zuì wěi dà de mèng xiǎng
[02:35.490] look around me. they don' t know me
[02:37.490] there' s no peace, no , no , their eyes I' m just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hiphop can save me zhè lǐ méi yǒu píng jìng, méi yǒu ān mián yào, méi yǒu xìng, zài tā tā men yǎn lǐ wǒ pǐn xíng dī liè, huò zhě nǐ xiǎng shā le wǒ, bù guò zhǐ yǒu shuō chàng néng jiù wǒ
[02:43.490] u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old nǐ kě yǐ gǔn zhe táo lí, bù guò nǐ zài yě zhǎo bú dào jiā de fāng xiàng, zhǐ néng bù duàn biàn lǎo
[02:48.490] whose voice appeared on the radio shuí de shēng yīn yòu chū xiàn zài le lù yīn jī
[02:50.490] nǐ xiǎng biàn de chāo jí hóng jǐn jǐn wò zhù micphone
[02:52.490] kě shì jiǎo bù yě hěn zhòng suí shí duǒ bì firehone
[02:54.490] dāng nǐ gū dān yě huì qíng bù zì jīn diǎn jī bō fàng where' d u go
[02:57.490] " where' d u go" good question nǐ qù le nǎ lǐ yí gè hěn hǎo de wèn tí
[02:59.490] u don' t wanna know the worst thing nǐ bù xiǎng zhī dào huài shì qíng
[03:01.490] called g is vitamin bǎ fā xiè yù wàng jiào zuò bǔ chōng wéi tā mìng
[03:03.490] whatever u d keep going never running wú lùn rú hé, nǐ dé ǒu xià qù, bù néng táo bì
[03:05.490] course u pushed your whole life all in yīn wèi nǐ yǐ jīng dǔ shàng le quán bù
[03:07.490] xià duàn lù chéng loading shī qù shuí de shēng yīn
[03:09.490] wanna be the champion xiàng nà 2pac zhì jìng
[03:11.490] tā zhǐ yǐn wǒ qù zhí xíng duì mèng xiǎng de suǒ yǒu chōng jǐng
[03:13.490] hái yǒu yī jiù tǎo yàn nà gè tuán tǐ lái zì motherfuc jí lín
[03:16.490] xiōng dì yí lù dōu zài fēn fēn hé hé cái shì zhēn ài, bǎ wò bú zhù xiàn zài nà jiù jiè kǒu hǎi kū shí làn
[03:21.490] nà qún tiào liáng de xiǎo chǒu hái zài chuī pěng nà rè gǒu
[03:23.490] zhǐ néng yā xià zhè niàn tou bù dǒng hiphop qǐng zhù kǒu