黑与白(prod.silver krueger)

黑与白(prod.silver krueger) 歌词

歌曲 黑与白(prod.silver krueger)
歌手 李林宇
专辑 黑与白
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作曲 : 无
作词 : 李林宇
Wake up wake up
Wash my face to clean the brain and take an ounce to the street then join that game and play it every single day
Social game no matter what u do it's your fault anyway
IT'S OKAY No need to pay or waste  you're not a faker yeah
Stand up and attack like a crazy ferocious snake
I'm staring at you to make you    scared   afeard  despair ADMIT IT!!!
Eyes are giving you away. say something  at that place
Where you stay but everybody hates that space I'm not afraid
These years didn't work so well piss off screw you to the sky as a kite like GOD IS NOT BLIND
Spend more money more time for life even can't eat or sleep untill die  
Ignore that mother ******* **** don't be blinded eye by society keep your style
Be a strong- minded guy
Although there's full of lies
You're my boss now OK FINE 
But you'll die before I die
My level will be higher and higher
But u are always a piece of crap
You shall be nobody all this life
So don't fk with me or somebody cries
Why they contain the odd curse word in the world even can see fireworks
Like the workers at the bottom of the heap and they say yes sir
就像那些最底层的工人说着 是的先生
This world can not work without them  somebody treats them clowns nonetheless
Or u think acting like a snob maybe it's not dangerous
不要再担心社会的黑暗做好我自己是唯一的希望即使会看到了小人的阻挡,不食言 家人和期盼 诶 
赚钱我赚个他十倍小人听到吓的拉直背让了他十位上了加时队,努力站 到了八十岁诶 诶
刺骨的话语 网络那 飙升的评论 血腥又 暴力的话语 事发后 冷漠的停顿怎么能抗住 怎么走长路 千万个问题有千万种强度 让他们吹不吹吧 这时代问你黑不黑嘛bh多样变,说那速度多像电 满嘴peace peace,没意思理会 尽管他放贱you know,精 心 布置的陷阱 死亡的节奏 现实和电影
凭什么,平等吗,百姓如何斗一招,权利成为了上帝我们成为无辜的受气包 人们在卑微看到了生活里改变的灰黑足见被熄~灭 机~械 无情的人 骗局开启 无形的门他像冰锥 这条路怎么才能躲过他们放心飞 不管是风吹雨打我们也要上金堆 
总不能一直被他们欺负吧 激怒他这城市冰冷无动于衷积木吗
被踩在脚下 为金钱说的好话 或许都不太明白 但成功才是老大
zuo qu : wu
zuo ci : li lin yu
Wake up wake up
xing xing ba
Wash my face to clean the brain and take an ounce to the street then join that game and play it every single day
xi gan jing wo de lian qing li da nao, dao jie shang can yu dao you xi, mei tian du qu can yu
Social game no matter what u do it' s your fault anyway
wu lun ni zuo shi mo, dou shi ni de cuo
IT' S OKAY No need to pay or waste  you' re not a faker yeah
bu yong fu qian bu yong lang fei shi jian ni bu shi pian zi shi de
Stand up and attack like a crazy ferocious snake
zhan qi lai, xiang yi tiao feng kuang de meng she yi yang gong ji
I' m staring at you to make you    scared   afeard  despair ADMIT IT!!!
wo ding zhe ni kan, rang ni gan dao hai pa jue wang cheng ren ba
Eyes are giving you away. say something  at that place
yan jing zai chu mai ni, zai zhe neng shuo dian shen me ne
Where you stay but everybody hates that space I' m not afraid
wo suo zai de di fang, mei ge ren dou tao yan zhe, dan wo bu hai pa
These years didn' t work so well piss off screw you to the sky as a kite like GOD IS NOT BLIND
zhei xie nian lai zuo de dou bu shi hen hao, rang ni zou xiang feng zheng yi yang, shang di bu shi mei yan jing de
Spend more money more time for life even can' t eat or sleep untill die  
hua geng duo de qian geng duo shi jian zai sheng huo shang, bu chi fan shen zhi shui jiao, zhi dao si wang
Ignore that mother don' t be blinded eye by society keep your style
bie bei she hui meng bi shuang yan, bao chi ni de feng ge
Be a strong minded guy
zuo yi ge jian qiang de ren
Although there' s full of lies
sui ran you hen duo huang yan
You' re my boss now OK FINE 
ni xian zai shi wo de shang si 
But you' ll die before I die
dan shi ni hui bi wo zou de geng zao
My level will be higher and higher
wo de neng li hui yue lai yue gao
But u are always a piece of crap
dan ni zong shi yi shi wu cheng
You  shall be  nobody all  this  life
ni zhe bei zi jiang yi zhi duo luo
So don' t fk with me or somebody cries
suo yi bu yao he wo zai yi qi, fou ze you ren you hui ku
Why they contain the odd curse word in the world even can see fireworks
wei shi me han zhe shi jie shang qi guai de yu yan, hai ke yi kan dao yan hua
Like the workers at the bottom of the heap and they say yes sir
jiu xiang nei xie zui di ceng de gong ren shuo zhe shi de xian sheng
This world can not work without them  somebody treats them clowns nonetheless
zhe ge shi jie mei you ta men mei fa yun zhuan, jin guan ru ci, hai shi you ren ba ta dang zuo xiao chou
Or u think acting like a snob maybe it' s not dangerous
huo zhe ni de biao xian xiang ge li gui yi yang, wo ye bu hui ren wei wei xian
bu yao zai dan xin she hui de hei an zuo hao wo zi ji shi wei yi de xi wang ji shi hui kan dao le xiao ren de zu dang, bu shi yan jia ren he qi pan ei 
zhuan qian wo zhuan ge ta shi bei xiao ren ting dao xia de la zhi bei rang le ta shi wei shang le jia shi dui, nu li zhan dao le ba shi sui ei ei
ci gu de hua yu wang luo na biao sheng de ping lun xue xing you bao li de hua yu shi fa hou leng mo de ting dun zen me neng kang zhu zen me zou chang lu qian wan ge wen ti you qian wan zhong qiang du rang ta men chui bu chui ba zhe shi dai wen ni hei bu hei ma bh duo yang bian, shuo na su du duo xiang dian man zui peace peace, mei yi si li hui jin guan ta fang jian you know, jing xin bu zhi de xian jing si wang de jie zou xian shi he dian ying
dang fan wei bu bei zhong shi tian kong hei de mi bu jian ding
ping shen me, ping deng ma, bai xing ru he dou yi zhao, quan li cheng wei le shang di wo men cheng wei wu gu de shou qi bao ren men zai bei wei kan dao le sheng huo li gai bian de hui hei zu jian bei xi mie ji xie wu qing de ren pian ju kai qi wu xing de men ta xiang bing zhui zhe tiao lu zen me cai neng duo guo ta men fang xin fei bu guan shi feng chui yu da wo men ye yao shang jin dui 
zong bu neng yi zhi bei ta men qi fu ba ji nu ta zhe cheng shi bing leng wu dong yu zhong ji mu ma
bei cai zai jiao xia wei jin qian shuo de hao hua huo xu dou bu tai ming bai dan cheng gong cai shi lao da
hui jiao ta shi di tong shi neng gou ban zuo wei yuan e you e bao ni kan lao tian you yan ceng jing fang guo shui
zuò qǔ : wú
zuò cí : lǐ lín yǔ
Wake up wake up
xǐng xǐng ba
Wash my face to clean the brain and take an ounce to the street then join that game and play it every single day
xǐ gān jìng wǒ de liǎn qīng lǐ dà nǎo, dào jiē shàng cān yù dào yóu xì, měi tiān dū qù cān yù
Social game no matter what u do it' s your fault anyway
wú lùn nǐ zuò shí mǒ, dōu shì nǐ de cuò
IT' S OKAY No need to pay or waste  you' re not a faker yeah
bù yòng fù qián bù yòng làng fèi shí jiān nǐ bú shì piàn zi shì de
Stand up and attack like a crazy ferocious snake
zhàn qǐ lái, xiàng yī tiáo fēng kuáng de měng shé yí yàng gōng jī
I' m staring at you to make you    scared   afeard  despair ADMIT IT!!!
wǒ dīng zhe nǐ kàn, ràng nǐ gǎn dào hài pà jué wàng chéng rèn ba
Eyes are giving you away. say something  at that place
yǎn jīng zài chū mài nǐ, zài zhè néng shuō diǎn shén me ne
Where you stay but everybody hates that space I' m not afraid
wǒ suǒ zài de dì fāng, měi ge rén dōu tǎo yàn zhè, dàn wǒ bù hài pà
These years didn' t work so well piss off screw you to the sky as a kite like GOD IS NOT BLIND
zhèi xiē nián lái zuò de dōu bú shì hěn hǎo, ràng nǐ zǒu xiàng fēng zhēng yí yàng, shàng dì bú shì méi yǎn jīng de
Spend more money more time for life even can' t eat or sleep untill die  
huā gèng duō de qián gèng duō shí jiān zài shēng huó shàng, bù chī fàn shèn zhì shuì jiào, zhí dào sǐ wáng
Ignore that mother don' t be blinded eye by society keep your style
bié bèi shè huì méng bì shuāng yǎn, bǎo chí nǐ de fēng gé
Be a strong minded guy
zuò yí gè jiān qiáng de rén
Although there' s full of lies
suī rán yǒu hěn duō huǎng yán
You' re my boss now OK FINE 
nǐ xiàn zài shì wǒ de shàng sī 
But you' ll die before I die
dàn shì nǐ huì bǐ wǒ zǒu dé gèng zǎo
My level will be higher and higher
wǒ de néng lì huì yuè lái yuè gāo
But u are always a piece of crap
dàn nǐ zǒng shì yī shì wú chéng
You  shall be  nobody all  this  life
nǐ zhè bèi zǐ jiāng yī zhí duò luò
So don' t fk with me or somebody cries
suǒ yǐ bú yào hé wǒ zài yì qǐ, fǒu zé yǒu rén yǒu huì kū
Why they contain the odd curse word in the world even can see fireworks
wèi shí me hán zhe shì jiè shang qí guài de yǔ yán, hái kě yǐ kàn dào yān huā
Like the workers at the bottom of the heap and they say yes sir
jiù xiàng nèi xiē zuì dǐ céng de gōng rén shuō zhe shì de xiān shēng
This world can not work without them  somebody treats them clowns nonetheless
zhè gè shì jiè méi yǒu tā men méi fǎ yùn zhuàn, jǐn guǎn rú cǐ, hái shì yǒu rén bǎ tā dàng zuò xiǎo chǒu
Or u think acting like a snob maybe it' s not dangerous
huò zhě nǐ de biǎo xiàn xiàng gè lì guǐ yí yàng, wǒ yě bú huì rèn wéi wēi xiǎn
bú yào zài dān xīn shè huì de hēi àn zuò hǎo wǒ zì jǐ shì wéi yī de xī wàng jí shǐ huì kàn dào le xiǎo rén de zǔ dǎng, bù shí yán jiā rén hé qī pàn éi 
zhuàn qián wǒ zhuàn gè tā shí bèi xiǎo rén tīng dào xià de lā zhí bèi ràng le tā shí wèi shàng le jiā shí duì, nǔ lì zhàn dào le bā shí suì éi éi
cì gǔ de huà yǔ wǎng luò nà biāo shēng de píng lùn xuè xīng yòu bào lì de huà yǔ shì fā hòu lěng mò de tíng dùn zěn me néng kàng zhù zěn me zǒu cháng lù qiān wàn gè wèn tí yǒu qiān wàn zhǒng qiáng dù ràng tā men chuī bù chuī ba zhè shí dài wèn nǐ hēi bù hēi ma bh duō yàng biàn, shuō nà sù dù duō xiàng diàn mǎn zuǐ peace peace, méi yì sī lǐ huì jǐn guǎn tā fàng jiàn you know, jīng xīn bù zhì de xiàn jǐng sǐ wáng de jié zòu xiàn shí hé diàn yǐng
dāng fàn wéi bù bèi zhòng shì tiān kōng hēi de mì bú jiàn dǐng
píng shén me, píng děng ma, bǎi xìng rú hé dòu yī zhāo, quán lì chéng wéi le shàng dì wǒ men chéng wéi wú gū de shòu qì bāo rén men zài bēi wēi kàn dào le shēng huó lǐ gǎi biàn de huī hēi zú jiàn bèi xī miè jī xiè wú qíng de rén piàn jú kāi qǐ wú xíng de mén tā xiàng bīng zhuī zhè tiáo lù zěn me cái néng duǒ guò tā men fàng xīn fēi bù guǎn shì fēng chuī yǔ dǎ wǒ men yě yào shàng jīn duī 
zǒng bù néng yī zhí bèi tā men qī fù ba jī nù tā zhè chéng shì bīng lěng wú dòng yú zhōng jī mù ma
bèi cǎi zài jiǎo xià wèi jīn qián shuō de hǎo huà huò xǔ dōu bù tài míng bái dàn chéng gōng cái shì lǎo dà
huì jiǎo tā shi dì tóng shí néng gòu bàn zuò wéi yuàn è yǒu è bào nǐ kàn lǎo tiān yǒu yǎn céng jīng fàng guò shuí
黑与白(prod.silver krueger) 歌词
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