
Details 歌词

歌曲 Details
歌手 Maisie Peters
专辑 Dressed Too Nice For A Jacket
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[00:00.32] One, two, three
[00:05.88] I don't wanna know the details
[00:08.81] Don't wanna know where she's from
[00:11.15] Or the New Year's that you met her
[00:13.74] Just wanna know where you've gone
[00:16.27] I don't wanna have to meet her
[00:18.93] Pretend we get along
[00:21.13] Yeah, I know that's selfish and sudden and wrong
[00:26.55] But I don't wanna talk about it
[00:29.65] 'Cause if I talk about it
[00:32.00] Then you'll see I don't, I don't
[00:37.42] Know what to do about it
[00:39.88] What to do about this feeling that I don't want
[00:47.04] But I'll keep it all to myself
[00:51.40] If you spare me the details
[00:57.26] I don't care about the mixtape
[00:59.76] What kind of cigarettes she smokes
[01:02.18] Don't wanna hear about the one time
[01:04.71] You made up in that park we'd always go
[01:08.26] So I'll ignore her and she'll be really nice to me
[01:11.97] Yeah, I know I'm being bitter and jealous and mean
[01:17.44] But I don't wanna talk about it
[01:20.80] 'Cause if I talk about it
[01:23.12] Then you'll see I don't, no I don't
[01:28.51] Know what to do about it
[01:30.86] What to do about this feeling that I don't want
[01:37.92] But I'll keep it all to myself
[01:41.27] If you spare me the details
[01:49.58] So you'll pull me over on a Friday night
[01:52.34] Both a little drunk and you're asking why
[01:54.88] I've been so off since late December
[01:57.21] Say "I don't know, no I don't remember"
[01:59.85] Look, I don't think I want you to myself
[02:02.42] But I know I don't want you with anybody else
[02:05.77] Don't think you want to hear that either
[02:07.85] So let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it
[02:14.41] 'Cause then we won't, no we won't
[02:19.32] Have to do something about it or just dance around it
[02:24.65] Until we know
[02:28.86] So I'll keep it all to myself
[02:34.08] If you'll keep it all to yourself
[02:39.02] And just spare me the details
[02:43.35] Details, details, details, details, details, details, details
[02:51.02] Details, details, details, details, details
[00:00.32] 一,二,三
[00:05.88] 我不想知道那些细枝末节
[00:08.81] 不想知道她从哪里来
[00:11.15] 也不想知道你和她相遇的那个新年
[00:13.74] 我只想知道你到底去哪儿了
[00:16.27] 我不想和她见面
[00:18.93] 还要若无其事的和她相处
[00:21.13] 是啊,就算我自私又急躁缺点也不少
[00:26.55] 可是我真的不想和你谈及有关她的种种
[00:29.65] 因为如果要我说起你的那个她
[00:32.00] 你就会知道我真的,真的无能为力
[00:37.42] 我真的不知所措
[00:39.88] 这些事与愿违的情感,我到底该如何是好呢
[00:47.04] 可若是你缄口不言
[00:51.40] 我也就能隐忍不发
[00:57.26] 我才不在意你送她的录音带里是什么情歌
[00:59.76] 我也不在意她抽的香烟是什么牌子
[01:02.18] 更不想听那一次
[01:04.71] 你和她是如何在我们常去的公园里亲热
[01:08.26] 这样我就能对她熟视无睹装作她其实对我很好
[01:11.97] 是啊,我知道我是如此苦涩又嫉妒还刻薄小气
[01:17.44] 可是我真的不想和你谈及有关她的种种
[01:20.80] 因为如果要我说起你的那个她
[01:23.12] 你就会知道我真的,真的无能为力
[01:28.51] 我真的不知所措
[01:30.86] 这些事与愿违的情感,我到底该如何是好呢
[01:37.92] 可若是你缄口不言
[01:41.27] 我也就能隐忍不发
[01:49.58] 这样你就可以在周五的夜晚拉住我
[01:52.34] 双双喝得微醺等你问我为什么
[01:54.88] 自从十一月底我就一直这么失落悲伤
[01:57.21] 而我就能告诉你“我也不知道,我都不记得了。”
[01:59.85] 听我说,我并不是想独占你呀
[02:02.42] 我只是不希望明明有了我你却还陪在别人身边
[02:05.77] 可你大概连这也没心情听吧
[02:07.85] 所以我们就绝口不提,就当作无事发生
[02:14.41] 因为这样我们就不需要
[02:19.32] 对此采取措施或者就逃避责任吧
[02:24.65] 在真相败露前我们都能相安无事
[02:28.86] 所以我会讳莫如深
[02:34.08] 只要你也守口如瓶
[02:39.02] 再不和我说起你和她的点滴
[02:43.35] 那些细节
[02:51.02] 那些细节
Details 歌词
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