
Matchmaker 歌词

歌曲 Matchmaker
歌手 Various Artists
专辑 Fiddler On The Roof (30Th Anniv Ed)
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[00:00.000] Tzeitel, you are the oldest,
[00:02.210] Yenta has to make a match for you
[00:04.380] before she can make one for me.
[00:06.670] Oh Yenta Yenta!
[00:07.700] Well, somebody has to arrange the matches,
[00:10.830] Young people can't decide these things themselves.
[00:13.910] She might bring someone wonderful----
[00:15.820] Someone interesting----
[00:16.860] And well off----
[00:17.870] And important---
[00:20.380] Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
[00:22.230] Make me a match,
[00:24.190] Find me a find,
[00:26.750] catch me a catch
[00:29.440] Matchmaker, Matchmaker
[00:31.790] Look through your book,
[00:34.690] And make me a perfect match
[00:40.700] Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
[00:42.850] I'll bring the veil,
[00:44.790] You bring the groom,
[00:47.290] Slender and pale.
[00:50.200] Bring me a ring for I'm longing to be--
[00:53.720] The envy of all I see.
[00:56.890] For Papa,
[00:58.950] Make him a scholar.
[01:00.190] For mama,
[01:01.650] Make him rich as a king.
[01:03.550] For me, well,
[01:04.350] I wouldn't holler
[01:06.610] If he were as handsome as anything.
[01:11.160] Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
[01:12.470] Make me a match,
[01:14.060] Find me a find,
[01:15.760] Catch me a catch,
[01:17.460] Night after night in the dark I'm alone
[01:20.420] So find me match,
[01:22.030] Of my own.
[01:28.390] Since when are you in a match, Chava?
[01:30.910] I thought you had your eye on your books.
[01:33.850] And you have your eye on the Rabbi's son.
[01:37.220] Well, why not?
[01:38.610] We have only one Rabbi
[01:40.520] and he has only one son.
[01:42.720] Why shouldn't I want the best?
[01:44.910] Because you're a girl from a poor family.
[01:47.270] So whatever Yenta brings,
[01:48.280] you'll take, right?
[01:50.570] Of course right!
[01:53.330] Hodel, oh Hodel,
[01:54.990] Have I made a match for you!
[01:56.780] He's handsome, he's young!
[01:58.390] Alright, he's 62.
[02:00.090] But he's a nice man,a good catch,
[02:02.040] true? True.
[02:03.650] I promise you'll be happy,
[02:05.370] And even if you're not,
[02:07.070] There's more to life than that---
[02:09.190] Don't ask me what.
[02:14.120] Chava, I found him.
[02:15.880] Won't you be a lucky bride!
[02:17.530] He's handsome, he's tall,
[02:19.300] That is from side to side.
[02:20.760] But he's a nice man, a good catch,
[02:22.830] right?Right.
[02:24.490] You heard he has a temper.
[02:26.150] He'll beat you every night,
[02:27.870] But only when he's sober,
[02:29.920] So you'll alright.
[02:32.940] Did you think you'd get a prince?
[02:35.340] Well I do the best I can.
[02:38.810] With no dowry, no money,
[02:42.220] no family background
[02:45.380] Be glad you got a man!
[02:55.140] Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
[02:56.790] You know that I'm
[02:58.190] Still very young.
[03:00.100] Please, take your time.
[03:02.800] Up to this minute,
[03:04.400] I misunderstood
[03:06.860] That I could get stuck for good.
[03:10.630] Dear Yenta,
[03:12.290] See that he's gentle
[03:13.700] Remember,
[03:14.950] You were also a bride.
[03:16.710] It's not that
[03:18.240] I'm sentimental
[03:20.490] It's just that I'm terrified!
[03:24.900] Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
[03:26.240] Plan me no plans
[03:27.890] I'm in no rush
[03:29.590] Maybe I've learned
[03:31.260] Playing with matches
[03:33.260] A girl can get burned
[03:36.010] So,Bring me no ring
[03:38.420] Groom me no groom
[03:39.920] Find me no find
[03:41.390] Catch me no catch
[03:43.540] Unless he's a matchless match.
[00:00.000] 扎托,你是大姐,
[00:02.210] 燕特得先给你做媒
[00:04.380] 才能给我做媒
[00:06.670] 哦,燕特,燕特!
[00:07.700] 总得有个媒人才行,
[00:10.830] 年轻人自己可做不了决定
[00:13.910] 她说不定能带来个极好的人
[00:15.820] 一个有趣的人
[00:16.860] 富有的人
[00:17.870] 重要的人
[00:20.380] 媒人啊媒人
[00:22.230] 给我做个媒
[00:24.190] 给我找个伴
[00:26.750] 给我作门亲
[00:29.440] 媒人啊媒人
[00:31.790] 翻翻姻缘册
[00:34.690] 给我找个完美的新郎
[00:40.700] 媒人啊媒人
[00:42.850] 我会带着面纱
[00:44.790] 你把新郎带来
[00:47.290] 修长又白皙
[00:50.200] 送我一枚婚戒,因为我早就想要--
[00:53.720] 让大家羡慕不已
[00:56.890] 为了爸爸
[00:58.950] 让他学识渊博
[01:00.190] 为了妈妈
[01:01.650] 让他富可敌国
[01:03.550] 对我来说
[01:04.350] 他如果英俊潇洒
[01:06.610] 那就再好不过
[01:11.160] 媒人啊媒人
[01:12.470] 给我做个媒
[01:14.060] 给我找个伴
[01:15.760] 给我作门亲
[01:17.460] 夜复一夜我孤身一人
[01:20.420] 给我找个新郎吧
[01:22.030] 我一个人的新郎
[01:28.390] 你什么时候也想起婚事来了?夏娃
[01:30.910] 我以为你眼里只有书呢
[01:33.850] 还有你(哈多),眼里只有拉比的儿子
[01:37.220] 这有什么不行?
[01:38.610] 我们只有一个拉比
[01:40.520] 拉比只有一个儿子
[01:42.720] 我怎么就不能追求最好的?
[01:44.910] 因为你是穷人家的姑娘
[01:47.270] 所以燕特带来什么人
[01:48.280] 你就得接受什么人,对吗?
[01:50.570] 当然对了!
[01:53.330] 哈多,哦哈多
[01:54.990] 我可给你做了一个好媒!
[01:56.780] 他很帅,又年轻!
[01:58.390] 好吧他已经62了
[02:00.090] 但他是个好人,可抢手了
[02:02.040] 对吧?对
[02:03.650] 我保证你会幸福
[02:05.370] 即便你不幸福
[02:07.070] 但生活不只是幸福婚姻
[02:09.190] 但别问我还有什么
[02:14.120] 夏娃,我找到了
[02:15.880] 你可真是个幸运新娘
[02:17.530] 他又帅,又高
[02:19.300] 但其实是大腹便便
[02:20.760] 但他是个好人,可抢手了
[02:22.830] 是吗?是
[02:24.490] 听说他脾气暴躁
[02:26.150] 他会天天打你
[02:27.870] 但他只有没喝醉时才打人
[02:29.920] 所以你也不必担心啦
[02:32.940] 你以为自己还能嫁个王子?
[02:35.340] 我尽最大努力
[02:38.810] 没有嫁妆没有钱
[02:42.220] 没有家庭背景
[02:45.380] 你想想就好啦!
[02:55.140] 媒人啊媒人
[02:56.790] 你知道的
[02:58.190] 我还很年轻
[03:00.100] 你慢慢来
[03:02.800] 直到刚才
[03:04.400] 我才醒悟
[03:06.860] 我可能永远无法挣脱
[03:10.630] 亲爱的燕特
[03:12.290] 请你确保他温柔啊
[03:13.700] 要记得
[03:14.950] 你也曾是新娘
[03:16.710] 并不是我
[03:18.240] 多愁善感
[03:20.490] 我只是被吓怕了
[03:24.900] 媒人啊媒人
[03:26.240] 不要为我计划
[03:27.890] 我不着急
[03:29.590] 我大概明白了
[03:31.260] 玩弄婚约
[03:33.260] 我会引火烧身
[03:36.010] 所以也不要给我婚戒
[03:38.420] 不要带来新郎
[03:39.920] 不要给我做亲
[03:41.390] 不要给我说媒
[03:43.540] 除非他真是个无与伦比的新郎
Matchmaker 歌词
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