At the End of the Day

歌曲 At the End of the Day
歌手 Various Artists
专辑 Les Miserables - The Musical That Swept the World (10th Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall


[ar:10AC cast]
[ti:At the End of the Day]
[00:15.88] At the end of the day you're day another older
[00:19.28] And that's all you can say for the life of the poor
[00:22.38] It's a struggle, it's a war
[00:23.96] And there's nothing that anyone's giving
[00:26.03] One more day standing about, what is it for?
[00:29.90] One day less to be living.
[00:32.59] At the end of the day you're another day colder
[00:36.10] And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill
[00:39.38] And the righteous hurry past
[00:40.95] They don't hear the little ones crying
[00:42.78] And the winter is coming on fast, ready to kill
[00:46.74] One day nearer to dying!
[00:49.49] At the end of the day there's another day dawning
[00:53.20] And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise
[00:56.35] Like the waves crash on the sand
[00:57.92] Like a storm that'll break any second
[00:59.96] There's a hunger in the land
[01:01.68] There's a reckoning still to be reckoned and
[01:03.56] There's gonna be hell to pay
[01:06.67] At the of end the day!
[01:09.66] At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing
[01:13.17] Sitting flat on butt your doesn't buy any bread
[01:16.57] There are children back at home
[01:18.19] And the children have got to be fed
[01:20.07] And you're lucky to be in a job
[01:21.70] And in a bed!
[01:24.24] And we're counting our blessings!
[01:29.06] Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?
[01:32.92] With wandering his terrible breath and his hands?
[01:36.73] It's because little Fantine won't give him his way
[01:38.56] Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands!
[01:42.12] At the end of the day it's another day over
[01:45.88] With enough in your pocket to last for a week
[01:49.04] Pay landlord, the pay the shop
[01:50.76] Keep on grafting as long as you're able
[01:52.44] Keep on grafting till you drop
[01:54.12] Or it's back to the crumbs off the table
[01:56.35] You've got to pay your way
[01:59.51] At the end of the day!
[02:04.38] And what have we here, little innocent sister?
[02:08.03] Come on Fantine, let's have all the news!
[02:11.94] Ooh..."Dear Fantine you must send us more money...
[02:13.72] Your child needs a doctor...
[02:14.69] There's no time to lose..."
[02:16.93] Give that letter to me
[02:17.84] It is none of your business
[02:20.69] With a husband at home
[02:21.50] And a bit on the side!
[02:24.35] Is there anyone here
[02:25.11] Who can swear before God
[02:25.97] She has nothing to fear?
[02:26.99] She has nothing to hide?
[02:36.85] What is this fighting all about?
[02:38.43] Will someone tear these two apart
[02:39.90] This is a factory, not a circus!
[02:43.71] Now, come on ladies, settle down
[02:47.22] I run a business of repute
[02:48.84] I am the Mayor of this town
[02:50.67] I look to you to sort this out
[02:53.11] And be as patient as you can
[02:54.79] Now someone say how this began!
[02:58.46] At the end of the day
[02:59.43] She's the one who began it!
[03:02.43] There's a kid that she's hiding
[03:03.39] In some little town
[03:05.68] There's a man she has to pay
[03:07.66] You can guess how she picks up the extra
[03:09.54] You can bet she's earning her keep
[03:11.11] Sleeping around
[03:13.66] And the boss wouldn't like it!
[03:16.80] Yes it's true there's a child
[03:17.91] And the child is my daughter
[03:20.66] And her father abandoned us
[03:21.53] Leaving us flat
[03:24.35] Now she lives with an innkeeper man
[03:25.57] And his wife
[03:26.12] And I pay for the child
[03:27.35] What's the matter with that?
[03:29.73] At the end of the day
[03:30.80] She'll be nothing but trouble
[03:33.50] And there's trouble for all
[03:34.21] When there's trouble for one!
[03:36.65] While we're earning our daily bread
[03:38.22] She's the one with her hands in the butter
[03:40.00] You must send the slut away
[03:41.88] Or we're all gonna end in the gutter
[03:43.86] And it's us who'll have to pay
[03:47.21] At the end of the day!
[03:48.26] I might have known the bitch could bite
[03:50.14] I might have known the cat had claws
[03:51.97] I might have guessed your little secret
[03:55.78] Ah yes, the virtuous Fantine
[03:59.19] Who keeps herself so pure and clean
[04:01.47] You'd be the cause I had no doubt
[04:04.41] Of any trouble hereabout
[04:06.24] You play a virgin in the light
[04:08.07] But need no urgin' in the night.
[04:09.85] She's laughing been at you
[04:10.71] While she's having her men
[04:11.63] She'll be nothing but trouble again and again
[04:13.64] You must sack her today
[04:15.67] Sack the girl today!
[04:19.08] Right my girl. On your way!


[00:15.88] màn màn cháng rì jié shù, nǐ yòu lǎo le yì diǎn
[00:19.28] duì yú qióng rén lái shuō jiù zhǐ yǒu zhè diǎn fēn bié
[00:22.38] zhè shì zhēng zhá, zhè shì zhàn zhēng
[00:23.96] méi yǒu rén jǐ yǔ shén me
[00:26.03] yòu yì tiān máng máng lù lù, shì wèi le shén me?
[00:29.90] bù guò shì shǎo huó yì tiān
[00:32.59] màn màn cháng rì jié shù, nǐ yòu lěng le yì diǎn
[00:36.10] shēn shàng yī shān dān bó, dǐ yù bù liǎo hán lěng
[00:39.38] zhèng rén jūn zǐ cōng cōng zǒu guò
[00:40.95] jūn bú jiàn fù rú kū qì
[00:42.78] hán dōng xùn sù jiàng lín, zhǔn bèi dà kāi shā jiè
[00:46.74] lí sǐ yòu jìn le yì diǎn
[00:49.49] màn màn cháng rì jié shù, yòu yǒu yì tiān jiāng kāi shǐ
[00:53.20] zhāo yáng jí jiāng shēng qǐ
[00:56.35] xiàng shā tān pà suì hǎi làng
[00:57.92] xiàng fēng bào juǎn zǒu měi yī miǎo
[00:59.96] rén men jī cháng lù lù
[01:01.68] jí jí yíng yíng
[01:03.56] bù zhī hái dé shòu duō shǎo zuì
[01:06.67] màn màn cháng rì jié shù!
[01:09.66] màn màn cháng rì jié shù, nǐ bié xiǎng bù láo ér huò
[01:13.17] hào chī lǎn zuò huàn bù lái miàn bāo
[01:16.57] jiā lǐ hái yǒu hái zi
[01:18.19] áo áo dài bǔ
[01:20.07] nǐ dé qìng xìng yǒu huó kě gàn
[01:21.70] yǒu chuáng kě shuì!
[01:24.24] wǒ men zhǐ néng zì qiú duō fú
[01:29.06] kàn dào jīn tiān gōng tóu duō shēng qì le ma?
[01:32.92] chuǎn zhe cū qì, zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo
[01:36.73] yīn wèi xiǎo fāng tīng bù kěn ràng tā rú yuàn
[01:38.56] kàn tā de kù zi, nǐ jiù zhī dào tā shén me niàn tou!
[01:42.12] màn màn cháng rì jié shù, yòu áo guò le yì tiān
[01:45.88] zhuàn gòu yí gè xīng qī de yòng dù
[01:49.04] fù gěi fáng dōng, fù gěi shāng diàn
[01:50.76] chāi dōng qiáng, bǔ xī qiáng
[01:52.44] máng máng lù lù zhí dào yān qì
[01:54.12] bù rán quán jiā dōu yào è dù pí
[01:56.35] rén zǒng yào zhǎo huó lù
[01:59.51] màn màn cháng rì jié shù!
[02:04.38] yǒu shén me xiāo xī, chún qíng xiǎo mèi mei?
[02:08.03] shuō ya, fāng tīng, ràng dà huǒ tīng tīng
[02:11.94] " qīn ài de fāng tīng, qǐng duō jì diǎn qián lái"
[02:13.72] " nǐ hái zi tū huàn jí bìng"
[02:14.69] " màn le jiù méi fǎ zhì lóu"
[02:16.93] bǎ xìn gěi wǒ
[02:17.84] bù guān nǐ de shì
[02:20.69] jiā zhōng yǒu gè zhàng fū
[02:21.50] hái yǒu gè hái zi
[02:24.35] zhè lǐ kě yǒu rén
[02:25.11] gǎn xiàng shàng dì xuān shì
[02:25.97] tā méi yǒu mì mì?
[02:26.99] tā guāng míng lěi luò?
[02:36.85] nǐ men zài chǎo shén me?
[02:38.43] shuí bǎ zhè liǎng gè rén chě kāi?
[02:39.90] zhè lǐ shì gōng chǎng, kě bú shì mǎ xì tuán
[02:43.71] nǚ shì men, lěng jìng xià lái ba
[02:47.22] wǒ zhè shì jiā zhèng pài gōng chǎng
[02:48.84] wǒ shì yī shì zhī zhǎng
[02:50.67] wǒ xī wàng nǐ bǎ shì qíng jiě jué
[02:53.11] jìn kě néng yǒu nài xīn
[02:54.79] shuí gào sù wǒ shì zěn me huí shì?
[02:58.46] dào tóu lái yī kàn
[02:59.43] dōu shì tā yǐn qǐ de
[03:02.43] tā zài lǎo jiā
[03:03.39] cáng le gè sī shēng zǐ
[03:05.68] hái dé jì qián yǎng nán rén
[03:07.66] nǐ cāi tā qù nǎ zhēng wài kuài?
[03:09.54] hái bú shì dào chù
[03:11.11] gēn rén shàng chuáng!
[03:13.66] lǎo bǎn kě bú huì xǐ huān!
[03:16.80] duì, wǒ dí què
[03:17.91] yǒu gè nǚ ér
[03:20.66] tā fù qīn pāo qì le wǒ men
[03:21.53] wǒ men yī wú suǒ yǒu!
[03:24.35] rú jīn tā jì yǎng zài
[03:25.57] jiǔ guǎn lǎo bǎn fū fù jiā
[03:26.12] wǒ fù fǔ yǎng fèi
[03:27.35] zhè yǒu shén me bú duì?
[03:29.73] dào tóu lái tā zhǐ huì
[03:30.80] zhāo zāi rě huò
[03:33.50] yī rén rě huò
[03:34.21] dà jiā zāo yāng
[03:36.65] wǒ men xīn qín láo lù
[03:38.22] tā què dào chù kāi yóu
[03:40.00] bì xū gǎn zǒu zhè
[03:41.88] fǒu zé wǒ men dōu huì duò luò
[03:43.86] dào tóu lái de yóu wǒ men
[03:47.21] tì tā shòu zuì!
[03:48.26] wǒ zǎo gāi cāi dào zhè yǒu běn shì
[03:50.14] zǎo gāi cāi dào zhè shì gè hú lí jīng
[03:51.97] wǒ zǎo gāi cāi dào nǐ de xiǎo mì mì
[03:55.78] shì a, zhēn nǚ fāng tīng
[03:59.19] chū yū ní ér bù rǎn
[04:01.47] zhè lǐ de fēng bō dōu shì yīn wèi
[04:04.41] nǐ xīng fēng zuò làng
[04:06.24] bái rì lǐ zhuāng dé qīng chún kě ài
[04:08.07] hēi yè lǐ dào huì tóu huái sòng bào
[04:09.85] tā gōu dā le nán rén
[04:10.71] hái ná nǐ dāng xiào liào
[04:11.63] tā jiù shì gè huò shuǐ, méi wán méi liǎo
[04:13.64] jīn tiān jiù dé jiě gù tā
[04:15.67] jiě gù tā!
[04:19.08] hǎo la, gū niáng, kāi lù ba!