Lovely Ladies
[ar:10AC cast]
[ti:Lovely Ladies]
[00:02.94] I smell women
[00:04.52] Smell 'em in the air
[00:05.94] Think I'll drop my anchor
[00:06.91] In that harbor over there
[00:09.04] Lovely ladies
[00:10.52] Smell 'em through the smoke
[00:12.04] Seven days at sea
[00:12.86] Can make you hungry for a poke
[00:15.09] Even stokers need a little stoke!
[00:18.14] Lovely ladies
[00:19.66] Waiting for a bite
[00:21.19] Waiting for the customers
[00:22.21] Who only come at night
[00:24.19] Lovely ladies
[00:25.67] Ready for the call
[00:27.19] Standing up or lying down
[00:28.26] Or any way at all
[00:30.19] Bargain prices up against the wall
[00:34.36] What pretty hair!
[00:36.50] What pretty locks you got there
[00:40.36] What luck you got. It's worth a centime, my dear
[00:46.41] I'll take the lot
[00:48.54] Don't touch me! Leave me alone!
[00:51.23] Let's make a price.
[00:53.83] I'll give you all of ten francs,
[00:56.93] Just think of that!
[00:58.66] It pays a debt
[00:59.93] Just think of that
[01:01.10] What can I do? It pays a debt.
[01:04.66] Ten francs may save my poor Cosette!
[01:11.21] Old men, young men, take 'em as they come
[01:14.16] Harbor rats and alley cats and every kind of scum
[01:17.26] Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land
[01:20.15] See them with their trousers off they're never quite as grand
[01:23.33] All it takes is money in your hand!
[01:28.97] Lovely ladies
[01:31.46] Going for a song
[01:34.21] Got a lot of callers
[01:36.09] But they never stay for long
[01:39.90] Come on, Captain,
[01:42.09] you can wear your shoes
[01:44.38] Don't it make a change
[01:45.44] To have a girl who can't refuse
[01:49.14] Easy money
[01:51.02] Lying on a bed
[01:53.05] Just as well they never see
[01:54.84] The hate that's in your head
[01:57.42] Don't they know they're making love
[02:01.24] To one already dead
[00:02.94] 我嗅到了
[00:04.52] 女人的味道
[00:05.94] 我可要在那海港
[00:06.91] 好好歇息
[00:09.04] 漂亮女人
[00:10.52] 香喷喷迷死人
[00:12.04] 七个月航海
[00:12.86] 包你饥渴难耐
[00:15.09] 烈火总得遇干柴!
[00:18.14] 漂亮女人
[00:19.66] 等你来尝鲜
[00:21.19] 黑夜里等待
[00:22.21] 恩客上门来
[00:24.19] 漂亮女人
[00:25.67] 随叫随到
[00:27.19] 能站能躺
[00:28.26] 姿势任你挑
[00:30.19] 靠着墙办事还能打折
[00:34.36] 好美的头发
[00:36.50] 好漂亮一头卷发
[00:40.36] 亲爱的,你真走运,这一点就值一生丁
[00:46.41] 我全买下
[00:48.54] 不要碰我,走开!
[00:51.23] 开个价
[00:53.83] 我给你整整十法郎
[00:56.93] 好好想想
[00:58.66] 得挣钱还债
[00:59.93] 好好想想
[01:01.10] 该怎么办?得挣钱还债
[01:04.66] 十法郎能救我的珂赛特
[01:11.21] 也有老,也有少,来了就照单全收
[01:14.16] 随你是什么渣滓,阿猫阿狗
[01:17.26] 也有穷,也有富,大人先生更不少
[01:20.15] 裤子一脱,都那么神气十足
[01:23.33] 只要掏钱,一切好商量!
[01:28.97] 漂亮女人
[01:31.46] 逍遥快活
[01:34.21] 前门送旧,后门迎新
[01:36.09] 恩客数不清
[01:39.90] 来吧,船长
[01:42.09] 穿着鞋也行
[01:44.38] 你几时见过
[01:45.44] 这么任人摆布的姑娘?
[01:49.14] 挣钱容易
[01:51.02] 只要往床上一躺
[01:53.05] 反正特们看不见
[01:54.84] 你心中的怒火!
[01:57.42] 他们难道不知道他们在和
[02:01.24] 一具行尸走肉上床?
Lovely Ladies 歌词
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